Questions tagged [firebird-3.0]

For questions specific to Firebird 3.0. It is advisable to also tag with firebird.

Firebird 3.0 is the latest release of the Firebird database server.

Notable new features

  • Unified executable
  • Improved SMP support for SuperServer
  • Encrypted wire protocol
  • Per-database configuration
  • Multiple security databases
  • Improved SQL user management
  • BOOLEAN data type
  • IDENTITY support
  • PSQL packages
  • PSQL functions
  • DDL triggers
  • SQL Window (or analytical) functions


See also

174 questions
2 answers

UDF Firebird function STRTOINT is not defined in query even if its listed in RDB$FUNCTIONS

I'm trying to run a SQL query in my Firebird database. I've restored a backup in my local development environment. My error is the following: echo "SELECT STRTOINT('3') FROM MyTable;" | isql-fb /var/lib/firebird/3.0/data/dbname.fdb Statement failed,…
Nepomuk Frädrich
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0 answers

Connect Firebird Database with Entity Framework model - Connection Failed

I want to connect the Firebird database with Entity Framework Model. Completed the successful installation and created the database. But, I am facing the issue 'Index was outside the bounds of the array' while connecting the database. Refer the…
0 answers

Session specific storage for UDFs in Firebird

For encryption purposes of some columns I wrote UDFs. I then realized that passing the keys through SQL is nonsense as the SYSDBA can trace SQL and look into session environment. And he exactly is the one, who should not access the data. Full…
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2 answers

How to find tree nodes that don't have child nodes

Firebird Db stores chart accounts records in table: CREATE TABLE CHARTACC ( ACCNTNUM Char(8) NOT NULL, -- Account ID (Primary Key) ACCPARNT Char(8), -- Parent ID ACCCOUNT Integer, -- account count …
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1 answer

How to get number of rows from another table?

I have a table (table1) with a list of students from the highest to the lowest grade. I want to divide them in 3 groups. But how many students in each group? First I count how many student I have, then I look in table1 for the row where column…
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1 answer

Delphi Firedac backup Firebird database to local file

Is it possible to use TFDFBNBackup and TFDFBNRestore for creating and restoring backups from/to a remote server from local files? I know that this can be done with the local service manager command line tool like gbak also allows this, but I do not…
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1 answer

Firebird 3.x error "Attempt to execute an unprepared dynamic SQL statement" in Delphi IBX exception handling?

I am using Delphi 2009 Unicode and Firebird 3.x UTF8/dialect 3 database with IBX components. And now I see that all the exceptions raised from the Firebird SQL procedure and trigger code (e.g. using exception my_exception; statement) are handled by…
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2 answers

How translate function from MySQL to Firebird?

how how can i transfer this function to firebird create function `candidat`(in_num decimal(10,2), in_group integer unsigned) returns integer unsigned deterministic language sql begin …
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1 answer

Why Delphi IBX TWideMemoField converts byte order in UTF8 string and how to avoid it?

I am using Delphi 2009 with IBX on Firebird 3 database (I have no choice to choose other technologies, I have to adapt to the situation). I have the following defintions: Firebird BLOB field is defined as: BLOB SUB_TYPE 0 SEGMENT SIZE…
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1 answer

Is it possible to backup Firebird DB when using SuperServer on Windows Server 2016?

When I execute Firebird 3.0.x backup command: c:\Db>"C:\Program Files\Firebird\Firebird_3_0\gbak.exe" -b c:\Db\Db1.fdb c:\Db\Db1_backup.fbk -garbage_collect -transportable -verify -user SYSDBA -pas PASSWORD Error 1 happend: gbak: ERROR:I/O error…
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1 answer

Specify firebird connection dialect, not database dialect

I have a Firebird database which is using Dialect 1. Some old Delphi apps MUST have it using Dialect 1 or certain queries will fail. The issue is, I'm using ColdFusion to communicate with the database for our web applications and it needs Dialect 3.…
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2 answers

Count returns different results for similar set of tables, why?

I need to count the number of times product_rec_id matches, is assigned, two or more vendor's names. For example, when a user enters sarsa and bobbie25 I should get a value count of 1 from the example vendors' table below. This is what I have and…
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1 answer

Cast function firebird

How can I convert 0 as float? Cast( 0 as float ) return singe not float? for example I have a table X with F1 field - float When use Select (cast(0 as float)) as F1 from X return error Expecting float actual: Singe.
0 answers

Connect to Firebird 3.0 embedded database in delphi

I created an application using Delphi Professional 10.1 to connect to a Firebird 3.0 database using FireDAC. I can connect without a problem if I have the FB server running. Recently, I needed to temporarily deploy the application and database to…
Terry Thompson
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1 answer

Workaround for incompatible wire encryption levels in Firebird provider

I know that this question has been already asked and that one of the solutions is to change WireCrypt setting in config file. However, my application has to connect to third party software that is using Firebird 3.0 db thus I do not have the control…
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