Questions tagged [firebird]

Firebird is a free and open-source, cross-platform, client-server SQL relational database management system, running on Linux, Unix, and Windows. Please mention your exact Firebird version when asking questions.

Firebird (Wikipedia) is an open-source SQL relational database management system (RDBMS) using the client-server model. It is cross-platform, running on Linux, Unix, and Windows.

It is written in C++, and is ultimately derived from the Borland InterBase 6.0 source code. Firebird is open-source, released under a non-copyleft MPL-like license. It is totally libre and free, for both open-source and commercial applications, but of course you can contribute back with code and donations to the Firebird Foundation.

Firebird and its predecessors have been in use for more than 30 years, which makes it a very mature and stable product.


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3372 questions
2 answers

Firebird - get all modified fields inside a trigger

I need to get all the values which changed in a row and post modifications on other 'audit' table. Can I accomplish this, without writing the conditions for each element from the row? I know the SQL from which…
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12 answers

Parameters in query with in clause?

I want to use parameter for query like this : SELECT * FROM MATABLE WHERE MT_ID IN (368134, 181956) so I think about this SELECT * FROM MATABLE WHERE MT_ID IN (:MYPARAM) but it doesn't work... Is there a way to do this ? I actually use IBX and…
Hugues Van Landeghem
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3 answers

JDBC connection with auto reconnect

I am using JDBC to connect to a database server. The connection is over a wireless network and can be dodgy at times. At the moment when the connection is lost I need to close and restart the application. Does anyone have some examples of code where…
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3 answers

Firebird JDBC driver connection character encoding

I have a JSF application running on tomcat6 in Fedora 17 using firebird as the database and all the registers coming from the database to the application are coming with a encoding problem. The language is Brazilian portuguese so I need é's and ã's…
Vitor Hugo
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1 answer

Easiest way to create an auto increment field in Firebird database

Is there an easy way to create auto increment field using Firebird? I have installed the FlameRobin admin tool, but the process of creating an auto increment field through the tool is complex. Can I not create such an identity field just by clicking…
gomesh munda
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3 answers

"connection rejected by remote interface" connecting to Firebird 3 with PDO

Try code below, but cause exception - SQLSTATE[HY000] [335544421] connection rejected by remote interface: try { $dbh = new PDO("firebird:dbname=localhost/3050:empty", "SYSDBA", "masterkey"); $dbh->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE,…
Vladimir Z.
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1 answer

Firebird Transaction Count Exceeded

We have an implementation running a Firebird database where we get this error: "Implementation Limit Exceeded - Transactions count exceeded. Perform a backup and restore to make the database operable again." We know how to fix this by making the…
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4 answers

How to input an array parameter of values to Firebird Stored Procedure?

I would like to input an array parameter of IDs to Firebird Stored Procedure. :INPUT_LIST_ID = [1, 2, 12, 45, 75, 45] I'm need to execute this SQL command: SELECT * FROM CITY WHERE ID_CITY IN (:INPUT_LIST_ID) Is it possible? Thanks!
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1 answer

Firebird default character set

SQL select command SELECT a.RDB$CHARACTER_SET_NAME FROM RDB$DATABASE a returns NULL. What character set is used when not specified any when creating new database? Is there difference between various versions of Firebird (1.0, 2.0, 2.5.1 etc.)?
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2 answers

Is it possible to rename a table in Firebird?

Is it possible to rename a table in Firebird or I should create a new table and then move the data using insert?
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6 answers

How to split comma separated string inside stored procedure?

How to split comma separated string into strings inside store procedure and insert them into a table field? Using Firebird 2.5
Yordan Yanakiev
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8 answers

How to SELECT a PROCEDURE in Firebird 2.5

I'm using Firebird Embedded v2.5. How to use procedures in query (SELECT) ? My procedure: SET TERM ^ ; CREATE PROCEDURE FN_TEST( Y INTEGER ) RETURNS( X INTEGER) AS BEGIN X = Y + 1; END^ SET TERM ; ^ I want to list some field of table modified by…
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2 answers

Firebird's SQL's Substring function not working

I created a view on a machine using the substring function from Firebird, and it worked. When I copied the database to a different machine, the view was broken. This is the way I used it: SELECT SUBSTRING(field FROM 5 FOR 15) FROM table; And this…
Mario Marinato
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2 answers

How change a column type in firebird3

Since firebird 3 I can't modify a column type Before I use this kind of update : update RDB$RELATION_FIELDS set RDB$FIELD_SOURCE = 'MYTEXT' where (RDB$FIELD_NAME = 'JXML') and (RDB$RELATION_NAME = 'XMLTABLE') because I get ISC error…
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1 answer

Equivalent function to STUFF in SQL (GROUP_CONCAT in MySSQL / LISTAGG in Oracle)

Does anyone know if Firebird 2.5 has a function similar to the "STUFF" function in SQL? I have a table which contains parent user records, and another table which contains child user records related to the parent. I'd like to be able to pull a…
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