Questions tagged [ingres]

Use this tag for Ingres / Actian X questions. The Ingres v11 RDBMS is now known as Actian X and in addition to supporting OLTP, also supports analytic workloads with X100 tables and Vector engine, making it a hybrid OLTP and analytic database.

The Ingres 11 RDBMS is now known as Actian X and in addition to supporting OLTP, also supports analytic workloads with X100 tables and Vector engine, making it a hybrid OLTP and analytic database.

Actian X combines a record breaking analytic engine with rock solid OLTP to enable enterprise applications with both OLTP and analytic features. The X100 component, from Actian’s Vector analytic database, lets you store Ingres and/or external data in X100 tables, which are processed using the specialized X100 engine, allowing faster performance for analytical database tasks. OLTP and analytic workloads can be run together and the queries and access methods you’re already using can also be run against the X100 data.

Ingres v11 / Actian X product documentation is available here.

Ingres / Actian X customer support forum is here.

149 questions
6 answers

EXPLAIN SELECT in other databases

I found EXPLAIN SELECT query very useful in MySQL because it gives information on how SQL will be executed and gives the opportunity to analyze, for e.g., missing indexes you should add in order to improve response BEFORE doing the query itself and…
Mauro H. Leggieri
2 answers

How to select zero or one record from a dummy table in Ingres

In most SQL products, I can select from no table or from a dummy table like this: -- Oracle SELECT 1 FROM DUAL -- Many other SQL products (including Ingres) SELECT 1 Sometimes, I want to add a condition to the above statement, in order to retrieve…
Lukas Eder
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Block HTTP traffic on ingress in Kubernetes

Following the example at my ingress.yaml looks like: apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Ingress metadata: name: my-app annotations: …
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5 answers

Multithreading - Avoiding and dealing with database deadlocks

I am looking for a good strategy of dealing with database deadlocks from within a Java 6 application; several parallel threads could, potentially, write into the same table at the same time. The database (Ingres RDMBS) will randomly kill one of the…
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4 answers

Should an ORDER BY ever affect the number of rows returned a SELECT query?

I am going through the pain of normalising a horrible legacy database, and have discovered what I think is a bug with the DBMS. This query returns the results as I expect: SELECT DISTINCT RIGHT(SQUEEZE(thing_id), 2) AS thing_id,…
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1 answer

Connecting to Ingres DB from .net Core 2.1

I am developing a .net core 2.1 API that needs to connect to an older Ingres DB. In previous .net frameworks I have been able to use Ingres Client found here However this is not compatible with .net…
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4 answers

How to limit result set size for arbitrary query in Ingres?

In Oracle, the number of rows returned in an arbitrary query can be limited by filtering on the "virtual" rownum column. Consider the following example, which will return, at most, 10 rows. SELECT * FROM all_tables WHERE rownum <= 10 Is there a…
Craig Day
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3 answers

Copy data from a table, into the same table with a different key

I was curious if it was possible to take data from a table, and duplicate it but assign a new primary key for example, I wish to take data that has a column "question_id" which acts as the unique key for the table, and copy all of the data from the…
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1 answer

DATE_ADD functionality in Ingres

Many (most? nearly all?) SQL dialects have a way to perform this type of function: date_add( MyDate, MyInterval ) I've been through all of the docs, but I cannot find this functionality in Ingres. My immediate goal is to get "MyDate plus 3 months".…
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1 answer

Incorrect data with Coldfusion, SQL and Ingres since commencement of daylight saving time

Since daylight savings started here almost two weeks ago we have noticed that any queries on our new ColdFusion site that restrict dates in the following manner are returning incorrect data (where StartDate is in the format dd-mmm-yyyy). select…
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1 answer

Search long varchar SQL

I have a database in Ingres 9.2.0 that contains a long varchar column. Is there any way that I can search this column for a specific string and only return the rows that contain have that string in the column. I tried using like as follows select *…
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1 answer

Does a database table exist, using bash

How, in a bash script, could I tell whether an ingres database contains a particular table? I think I want something like this: sql $db << ENDSQL | grep 'TRUE' > /dev/null select 'TRUE' from iitables where table_name like…
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2 answers

Create JNDI Connection for Ingres Database

I have a Java project and I've been trying to create a JNDI connection for my Ingres database but have been unsuccessful. I'm not sure if there is something specific to ingres that needs to be included but after quite a bit of research I haven't…
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1 answer

Ingres connection on an IIS deployed site

I have a .net 2.0 app being hosted on IIS, that connects to a Ingres DB. The connection uses iBatis with an ODBC driver to connect to an ingres database being protected behind an installation password. For some reason, when I'm debugging my code,…
Dan Frade
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4 answers

Restrict number of rows retrieved in Ingres select query

I want to know if there is a way to select a subsequent bunch of rows in select query in Ingres. For example, the first 500 rows can be selected by using the select first 500 from tablename, but if I want to select rows 501 to 1000, is there any way…
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