Questions tagged [squirrel-sql]

SQuirreL SQL Client is a graphical Java program that will allow you to view the structure of a JDBC compliant database, browse the data in tables, issue SQL commands etc.


SQuirreL SQL Client is a graphical Java program that will allow you to view the structure of a JDBC compliant database, browse the data in tables, issue SQL commands etc.


  • Project Homepage
  • Download squirrel-sql-x.x.x-optional if you want all of the plugins installed.


  • Supports autocomplete when creating queries by pressing CTRL+SPACE.
  • On-the-fly generation of ERD diagrams.

Useful Keyboard Shortcuts

  • CTRL+SPACE - autocomplete database, table, and fields in queries.
  • CTRL+t - SQL Editor Tools Popup
  • CTRL+j - Display Query Bookmarks
    (Note: need to enable with CTRL+t edit bookmarks first.)
  • CTRL+SHIFT+, / CTRL+SHIFT+. - switch to prev/next results tab

Useful Plugins

  • UnityJDBC - A plugin for SQuirreL that allows queries involving multiple kinds of databases, much in the same way that MS-Access allows linked tables.
282 questions
6 answers

how to connect to SQL Server with SQuirreL SQL from non domain registered Linux box?

I need to connect to a SQL 2008 R2 Server from my Linux box that's not registered in my company's domain. I'm trying to use SQuirreL SQL version 3.2.1. I downloaded Microsoft SQL Server JDBC Driver 3.0 and assigned it to SQuirreL on the Drivers…
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6 answers

font size of Squirrel SQL too small

The size of the font to enter the SQL is too small. What is the way to increase the size of the font to type the SQL ? In 'global options' there is a possibility to increase the size of the fonts. But this has no impact on the size of the text to…
Rudy Vissers
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2 answers

Column aliasing in SELECT statements doesn't work with SQuirrel SQL + Firebird

I tried add an column alias in SELECT statement using SQuirrel SQL 3.4 + Firebird 1.5 + Driver JDBC Jaybird 2.2.[0|1] (JVM 1.7.0_03), but doesn't work. The column aliased appears with the original name of column. In another tool (DBExpert) the same…
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5 answers

How can I store the result of a SQL query in a CSV file using Squirrel?

Version 3.0.3. It's a fairly large result-set, around 3 million rows.
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4 answers

How can I list all tables in a database with Squirrel SQL?

I use Squirrel SQL to connect to a JavaDB/Derby database on my desktop. I can run SQL queries. But how can I list all tables in the database? And preferably all column and column types.
1 answer

SQuirreL SQL client does not show Json data

I just have a Postgres database(PostgreSQL 9.4.5) and Squirrel windows client (SQuirreL SQL Client Version 3.7). In database there is a table which has column type jsonb Column | Type --------+------- id | uuid jddd | jsonb when I do…
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10 answers

"Could not find the main class. Program will exit"

I'm trying to run SQuirreL SQL. I've downloaded it and installed it, but when I try to run it I get this error message: Java Virtual Machine Launcher. Could not find the main class. Program will exit. I get the gist of this, but I have not…
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5 answers

Squirrel sql client session timeout

It is not related to whatever version it is, just working to find out how to change (of course increase) session timeout value of Squirrel Sql Client. Because I really get bored of getting kind of exception "Last packet sent to the server was ..…
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3 answers

Launching Squirrel SQL client on Mac OS

I am Launching SQuirrel SQL on Mac OS X(El Capitan) that has JDK1.8 on it produces an error message saying the JDK-version should be at least 1.6. It then quits. SQL client version is 3.7. How do I resolve this?
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1 answer

PostgreSQL function definition in SQuirreL: unterminated dollar-quoted string

I have the following function definition for a PostgreSQL 9.3.4 database: CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION update_modified_timestamp() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$ BEGIN NEW.modified_at = now(); RETURN NEW; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; When I try to…
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2 answers

squirrel sql client settings folder location

I installed the squirrel client 3.4.0 on my windows 7 64 bit machine. I see a squirrel client settings folder ".squirrel-sql" created in: C:\Users\ayusman\ Is there any way I can specify the folder location to be in my squirrel install location…
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4 answers

Username & Password in JDBC Connection URL

I was using a SQuirrel SQL Client to connect & browse my oracle database servers. I have given the credentials in the connection URL itself. But it still prompts for the username and password. Does it really required to provide additional…
Sivasubramaniam Arunachalam
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1 answer

Configure SQuirreL for DB2

How to configure SQuirreL for DB2 access. In SQuirreL I do see two DB2 drivers. But they are both marked with an red X. I checked with Start Page but did not find an easy solution :/
Thorsten Niehues
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1 answer

SQuirreL Plugin Tutorial

I have an idea for a plugin for SQuirreL SQL client and I'd like to know how to make a plugin. My plugin will be a query builder UI which needs access to the schema model including tables, columns, primary keys, foreign keys and constraints etc. I…
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2 answers

generate sql script from tables

alt text is it possible to generate sql scripts from for all tables ? i want to generate the sql script and import into another database server
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