Questions tagged [togglz]

Togglz is an implementation of the Feature Toggles pattern for Java.

Togglz is an implementation of the Feature Toggles pattern for Java.

Feature Toggles are a very common agile development practices in the context of continuous deployment and delivery.

The basic idea is to associate a toggle with each new feature you are working on. This allows you to enable or disable these features at application runtime, even for individual users.

56 questions
2 answers

Feature Flagging vs Authorization

I just stumbled across the concept of feature flagging, and a popular open source Java lib for this called Togglz, which quotes a Martin Fowler blog post: The basic idea is to have a configuration file that defines a bunch of toggles for various…
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Annotations for feature flipping REST end points

I have spring controller with several (REST) endpoints. I want to bring up multiple instances of this controller where each instance would have few endpoints selectively enabled/disabled. Based on my reading so far, togglz provides feature…
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Togglz with Spring @Configuration bean

I'm trying to implement Togglz & Spring using @Configuration beans rather than XML. I'm not sure how to configure the return type of the Configuration bean. For example: @Configuration public class SystemClockConfig { @Bean public…
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Expose Togglz Admin console in Spring Boot on management-port

By default Togglz admin console runs on application port (configured by server.port property). I want to expose it on management.port. My question: is it possible?
Jakub Kubrynski
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Unit test for togglz feature on and off

We are using Togglz to turn functionalities on and off in our project. The following TogglzFeature Enum is implementing org.togglz.core.Feature interface public enum TogglzFeature implements Feature { @EnabledByDefault @Label("Current XSLT…
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How to enable togglz-console in spring-boot application

My spring-boot+jersey application has integrated togglz. I added below dependencies as below. //…
Joey Yi Zhao
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Performance comparaison betwen ff4j and togglz

We're working on a project , and we want to use some toggling feature tool like ff4j or togglz but we have a real constraints about performances, i mean we really need a tool with the less time of execution , i've checked a little bit ff4j and…
0 answers

Togglz + SpringBoot: features always disabled

I'm trying to integrate Togglz in a Spring Boot web application. Since I didn't succeed with Togglz autoconfiguration (no FeatureManager bean was created and, consequently, the ApplicationContext was not created), I defined Togglz…
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is it possible to use togglz in non web application

I am trying to find if it is possible to use togglz in non web application - like we have plain java project or java batch programs. I tried adding the togglz library in the stand alone application and tried running it. this is my code snippet -…
Ashish Shetkar
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Togglz console error 403 Spring Boot

I'm trying to run Togglz Console on Spring Boot, but I get this on screen: (type=Forbidden, status=403). You are not allowed to access the Togglz Console. I just noticed many people have the same problem, and some solutions worked for them. But I…
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2 answers

Default activation strategy for a Togglz feature

Since version 2.0.0 Togglz offers Activation Strategies to go with a feature. For instance, you can connect a list of server IP addresses that shall have the feature enabled. However, how are these strategies actually attached to a feature? All I…
Michael Piefel
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1 answer

Add servlet in a clojure ring project

I am integrating Togglz library into a Clojure Ring project to support feature toggles and would like to activate the Togglz admin console. According to the Togglz documentation it is necessary to add a servlet in the /WEB-INF/web.xml file for…
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Togglz: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Could not find the FeatureManager

I am getting below exception when integrating Togglz with my Spring MVC app. exception java.lang.IllegalStateException: Could not find the FeatureManager. For web applications please verify that the TogglzFilter starts up correctly. In other…
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1 answer

Why must a TogglzRule be declared public?

If i declare a TogglzRule in an Unit-Test it must be public, otherwise there will be thrown an exception: java.lang.Exception: The @Rule 'togglzRule' must be public. I used to declare members private, why is this not possible?
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1 answer

Sample Togglz implemetation with spring boot kotlin

Can anyone help me with sample example for spring-boot-kotlion with togglz feature.
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