Questions tagged [facebook-fql]

Facebook Query Language (FQL) enables you to use a SQL-style interface to query the data exposed by the Graph API. It provides for some advanced features not available in the Graph API such as using the results of one query in another.

Facebook Query Language (FQL) is now deprecated and the service is completely disabled and unusable.

FQL enabled you to use a SQL-style interface to query the data exposed by the Graph API. It provided for some advanced features not available in the Graph API such as using the results of one query in another.

3067 questions
1 answer

How to get (better) demographics for fans of a Facebook page?

I'm trying to get demographics for fans of a page on Facebook - mostly country and city, but age and gender as secondary. The primary way to do it is using FQL and doing a query in the insights table. Like so: FB.api({ method: 'fql.query', …
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7 answers

How can I count the total friends of a Facebook user by uid?

How can I count the total friends of a Facebook user by uid?
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3 answers

Facebook - obtain location /places ID via location name

I'm able to return a location's details by sending a query via the graph api with the location's ID, however I'm looking to achieve the reverse - effectively find location id by sending a request containing the location name (city, state etc). Is…
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9 answers

Facebook FQL stream limit?

I want to get the full history of my wall. But I seem to hit a limit somewhere back in June. I do multiple calls like this: SELECT created_time,message FROM stream WHERE source_id=MY_USER_ID LIMIT 50 SELECT created_time,message FROM stream WHERE…
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3 answers

Facebook API: best way to get like, share, comment count for a page/group post?

What's the best way to get the like, share, comment count for a post? I'm trying via FQL but it doesn't seem to give any data when the URL is a FB post URL: SELECT like_count, comment_count, share_count FROM link_stat WHERE …
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1 answer

How to get all the Open Graph Beta actions generated by an app?

It is already possible to get all actions for custom app actions and objects:{appNameSpace}:{action}/{object} This will list all the actions generated by an app, but only for a given user... How do I get all the…
Benoit Hediard
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7 answers

Run Facebook FQL Online

Where can I run FQL queries online in my web browser?
Lennie De Villiers
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1 answer

Order Facebook Places results by distance

Does anyone know how to order Facebook places by distance from a search location? Note that I don't want to order results in my client app. I want the Facebook server to provide me with ordered results to facilitate pagination. I always want to…
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1 answer

Facebook -- best way to do FQL "join" with event and event_member?

In a Facebook app I need to get a user's events for a date range and his rsvp status for each event. I can get the user's events fine, but at the moment I'm looking up the rsvp status for each event one at a time, and the app is timing out for…
Reid Wilson
3 answers

facebook graph api..get friends of friends

I am using the FB graph api to get a list of my friends' friends using: Now the weird thing is that this works for some of my friends and does not work for some others. Could somebody…
2 answers

How to determine if Facebook users Unlike a URL?

We have a web app where we need to track users "Likes" of URLs (not Facebook pages, external ones), because they earn credits for doing so. To do this we're using JQuery and the subscribe (edge.create) event and it's working…
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2 answers

Retrieve Facebook users that like a URL / web page via Open Graph

Is there a way to retrieve the list of Facebook users that have clicked the like button on an external website? E.g. there is a domain which has been confirmed via Facebook Insights to belong to fbUser1 (using OG meta tags). Somewhere…
Samu Lang
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3 answers

How to get friends likes via Facebook API

Is this possible to get all my friends likes?? Now, I'm getting this by 2 steps: Getting all my friends list By iterating those list I'm getting all individuals Likes, but it seems very big process, anybody have idea to improve the performance for…
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4 answers

Graph API - Get events by owner/creator

Is there a way with the Facebook Graph API to get a list of all events created by a single profile? Our client creates a bunch of events and we want to pull a list of them all. I said that they would just have to make sure they set themselves to be…
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6 answers

How to get facebook share, like, comment count for a url with graph api only (in a non-deprecated way)

The problem is that after v2.1 of graph api fql will be deprecated. Can someone tell me how to get separate likes, share count for given url using only graph api? I was looking for some documentation, but there isn't any, i can get only total…
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