Questions tagged [examine]

Examine is a .Net indexing and search engine powered by Lucene.Net

From the documentation:

Examine allows you to index and search data easily and wraps the Lucene.Net indexing/searching engine. Lucene is super fast and allows for very fast searching even on very large amounts of data. Examine is provider based so it is very extensible and allows you to configure as many indexes as you like and each may be configured individually. Out of the box Examine gives you abstract implementations of Lucene based indexers and searchers as well as a Fluent API that can be used to search for your data.

77 questions
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Umbraco Lucene index for multiple values under one field

I have a requirement to index a series of key phrases assigned to articles. The phrases are stored as a string with a \r\n delimiter and one phrase may contain another phrase, for example: This is a key phrase This is a key phrase too This is also…
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Umbraco: Custom Examine index with AWS flexible load balancing on EBS

Does anyone have an example of how to get this working? I have a custom indexer, configured in ExamineSettings.config like this:
5 answers

How to retrieve an Enums value as a string in C#

I have the following enum: public enum DocumentState { Default = 0, Draft = 1, Archived = 2, Deleted = 3 } Most places in my solution I use it as a normal enum. Some places I use at an int casting it like…
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not able to search body using Fulltext search

I am using umbraco 7.4.1 with full text search and smart blog. Currently am facing one problem. I am not able to get search result from the body of the blogs or any of the pages only get search result from the node name. My configs are the…
1 answer

Umbraco Examine - querying issue

I have the following data value for the object I am retrieving with Examine (image link for easier viewing): __Icon: icon-shopping-basket-alt-2 color-red __IndexType: content __NodeId: 1413 __NodeTypeAlias: sale __Path: -1,1098,1410,1413 id: 1413…
Marko Jovanov
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Umbraco Examine File Locking Azure App Service

We are running an Umbraco 8.1.5 website in a series of load balanced Azure App Services and are having Examine/Lucene file locking issues in one of the instances. We have tried upgrading Examine to 1.0.2 but this still hasn't helped. From what I can…
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Add a field to the Umbraco 8 Members Index

I have extended the Umbraco 8 Member type by adding some custom fields. I need to be able to search Members by one of these fields, 'organisationName' (that's it's alias), so when looking at Examine, I tried to add this to the members index like…
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How to stop Lucene Standard Analyzer removing special characters

I have been having some difficulty with Lucene and would appreciate any help. I have a custom query which is manually written and parsed (this query) using QueryParser.Parse. I am using version LUCENE_29 and the StandardAnalyzer. In my query I have…
Mr Sheriff
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2 answers

Searching for fields that contains the search term

I did some studies on Lucene search queries and searched the internet for answers on how to do this... But couldn't find a method that works and my attempts failed, not returning what I want. Basically, I've a field on my database, that are IDs…
0 answers

Umbraco lucene/examine losing custom fields

We've got a fairly large umbraco site that we are maintaining for a client. One node type in particular has a custom examine indexer/searcher which is used for a search in a specific area of the site. We have a DirectoryIndexer_GatheringNodeData…
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Differences in Umbraco cache structure?

Ok, So I have just spent the last 6-8 weeks in the weeds of Umbraco and have made some fixes/Improvements to our site and environments. I have spent a lot of that time trying to correct lower level Umbraco caching related issues. Now reflecting on…
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Searching other fields in the internal backoffice search box - v7.1.0

My aim is to add additional fields to the searching parameters for the internal search - I have amended ExamineIndex.config to index the new property:
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2 answers

Fastest way to get the properties of umbraco documents

I am working on search functionality for a website designed through umbraco. I am using Examine to fetch the search results. Here is my code: var Searcher = ExamineManager.Instance.SearchProviderCollection["ExternalSearcher"]; var…
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1 answer

How can I find an IndexSet's path in Examine?

In my Umbraco project, I have multiple Examine IndexSets defined in the configuration files. How can I programmatically retrieve an individual IndexSet's path? I am aware of the Examine.LuceneEngine.Config.IndexSetCollection but I cannot seem to…
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2 answers

How can I retrieve a list of terms from an Examine index?

I have implemented Examine in an Umbraco project and have created an index of my site's content. What I now need is a list of terms stored in that index for any given field. This list of terms will be the basis for an autocomplete search field of a…
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