Questions tagged [examine]

Examine is a .Net indexing and search engine powered by Lucene.Net

From the documentation:

Examine allows you to index and search data easily and wraps the Lucene.Net indexing/searching engine. Lucene is super fast and allows for very fast searching even on very large amounts of data. Examine is provider based so it is very extensible and allows you to configure as many indexes as you like and each may be configured individually. Out of the box Examine gives you abstract implementations of Lucene based indexers and searchers as well as a Fluent API that can be used to search for your data.

77 questions
0 answers

Is Examine search ignoring certain keywords or my query is wrong?

I am building Examine search in Umbraco and am searching by either keyword or country code or city but I am getting wrong results for some of them. For example I search for countryCode = IN and startCity = New Delhi I pass a list of required…
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1 answer

How to apply Custom Examine Search Index on Nested Umbraco Contents?

I have a doctype Home which contains nested doctype Product. And i want to be able to search Products. I have also created an Examine indexset in ExamineIndex.config as follows:
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Umbraco Examine indexes disappearing on Azure

I've been having an issue on an Umbraco 7.5.6 site hosted in an App Service on Azure where the indexes seem to be dropped after an unspecific amount of time. We're storing information, including some custom fields, on published news articles in the…
1 answer

Lucene search doesn't work when I use spaces

My situation I've created a search function and for this I created a new indexer and searcher for that. The problem is when I enter a search query with a white space in it. Example below. Data I've got this persons created and stands inside my…
H. Pauwelyn
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How can I get Examine to perform a phrase query in Umbraco 7?

I am trying to build some custom search logic in Umbraco 7 (7.3.6) which will search for multiple terms supplied by a user, where those terms may include phrases enclosed in quotes. I have the following code which takes the supplied term, uses a…
Tom Troughton
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1 answer

Examine MultiIndexSearcher Example Umbraco

Trying to get a searcher in razor using the MultiIndexSearcher provider.
2 answers

Umbraco 7+ Search

I wonder if someone could help me... I am trying to get the Examine search working in Umbraco 7.3 but am struggling with the documentation. when I look at the following…
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UmbracoExamine ParentID?

I'm currently using UmbracoExamine for all of my project's search needs, and I'm trying to figure out what exactly the query-parameter ".ParentId" does. I was hoping I could use it to find all child nodes from a parentID, but I can't seem to get it…
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1 answer

Examine ExternalIndexer returns empty Index

I have a problem where my External Index refuses to obtain any kind of data when rebuild. When rebuilding the index, it removes any entry in the index. My Internal Index works just fine, and contains every node in Umbraco. I thought it might be a…
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Umbraco 7 searchCriteria with all fields

Hi i have search on Umbraco 7 and it works OK, but i have to add a lot of search fields to index and it´s not practic. How can i search through all fields? @{ string searchQuery = Request["query"]; if…
0 answers

Umbraco: Only index media that has been picked

Short story is that we want to be able to perform a fast search in Umbraco for media that has been picked somewhere. We have an umbraco 7.2.x site. We wanted to index all of the PDFs in our media, so we could search them. We have that all figured…
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Umbraco Examine Search query null value

I am trying to fix my search engine. The problem is that when I search for my existing blog item, it always says Did not match in any document What ever I search for, it always give me that error message. Is there any way to fix this or does my code…
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Using Examine Manager to search content

This is the first time I have used Examine - So far this is working, results variable have the correct data, however what I want to do is add the searchTerm variable I want to search all fields of all nodes that currently are returned in results Any…
Ayo Adesina
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Lucene on windows server 2012

We've migrated 2 completely different sites that run Umbraco (6.1.5 and 6.1.2) to a new dedicated server that runs Windows Server 2012. We're having a very weird behavior when we start publishing new contents. After some time (but not always) the…
Pedro Cruz
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1 answer

How to show search results with their url's in Umbraco 7

I have implemented search in Umbraco 7 using examine and user control. Search is working fine. Now I need to show the URL of the search results displayed on the lists. Is there any index property like "BodyText" which can show the URL or do I have…
Abdul Raheem
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