Questions tagged [umbraco8]

Umbraco 8 is an open source content management system (CMS) platform for publishing content on the World Wide Web and intranets. It is written in C# and deployed on Microsoft based infrastructure.

Umbraco 8 is the eighth stable release of Umbraco - an open source content management system (CMS) platform for publishing content on the World Wide Web and intranets. It is written in C# and deployed on Microsoft based infrastructure. The open source backend is released under an MIT License while the UI is released under the Umbraco license.


141 questions
6 answers

How to get html generated by razor into a string?

I created a workflow using umbraco and what I am trying to do is: create a workflow that get the html created by a razor template (umbraco.forms). Here is the locations where is the templates of umbraco.forms Views\Partials\Forms\Emails This…
Amadeu Antunes
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1 answer

Umbraco 8 and IoC

I installed Umbraco 8.1.3 and i'm trying to configure dependecy injection following this post, but not work. My code is: CONTROLLER: public class ContactController : UmbracoApiController { private readonly IContactService contactService; …
3 answers

Unable to use SaveAndPublish from ContentService

I'm trying to save my IContent called child, but on this line(contentService.SaveAndPublish(child);) I get the following error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. if (child.HasProperty("navn")) { child.SetValue("navn",…
Carsten Løvbo Andersen
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1 answer

How do I add an WebApiConfig to my UmbracoApiController?

I'm trying to create a APIcontroller for my Umbraco V8 package. The API is working fine but I only want my backoffice AngularControllers to have access to the API. I wish to create a attribute like described in this answer…
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Umbraco 8 shows install screen after deploying on GoDaddy server

I have developed site using Umbraco 8 and uSkinned theme. I am able to run in my local development environment as well as local IIS. but when I deploy it to GoDaddy it shows me install screen. I followed below are the steps. Visual Studio Publish…
Arjun Vachhani
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1 answer

Umbraco 8: Get reference to DocumentType definition in WebAPI class

Q) How do I get a reference to a DocumentType definition in my UmbracoAPIController class, so that I can do LINQ queries on the properties? Background: I've got a WebAPI endpoint I call from JS, that fetches Book items from my DB. I want to filter…
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3 answers

The type or namespace name 'IPublishedContent' could not be found in Umbraco 8

I've media picker in Umbraco 8 and I want to display image in my cshtml page. @inherits Umbraco.Web.Mvc.UmbracoViewPage @{ Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml"; }
Ubiquitous Developers
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3 answers

Convert IContent To IPublishedContent Umbraco 8

Is it possible to cast/convert an IContent to IPublishedContent or a Model's builder model inside a ContentService's hook? More specifically, I am using the Saving hook as you can see below. Reference for the hook:…
Antonios Tsimourtos
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0 answers

Umbraco 8 - Checkbox (TrueFalse) Always returning False

I'm trying to use the Checkbox/TrueFalse to toggle on/off certain parts of content, however it seems that no matter what setting I put the checkbox on, the Value (even parsed as Bool) always returns false. I'm wondering if theres a property I'm…
James Lalor
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1 answer

Extend Umbraco back office search to search custom proerties not just title

What I would like to do is be able to type an custom property within the back office search. e.g. put the ISBN into the search field and have the results shown currently it always returns "no items found" as the search will only show results for the…
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2 answers

Umbraco 8: Get all content of specific type in WebAPI class

Q) How do I access my website content, e.g. books collection in my WebAPI class? In an Umbraco 8 website project, I am using the following in my razor view to get content, which works fine, allowing me to then iterate over the collection and build…
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0 answers

Umbraco 8: Fetch image from URL in javascript and assign result to FileUpload control in form

Background: In my DocumentType I have added a FileUpload. I am requesting JSON from an API, which returns some meta data, including the url of an image. I would like then fetch that image (I know how to do that already) and set it as the content…
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1 answer

Umbraco Examine File Locking Azure App Service

We are running an Umbraco 8.1.5 website in a series of load balanced Azure App Services and are having Examine/Lucene file locking issues in one of the instances. We have tried upgrading Examine to 1.0.2 but this still hasn't helped. From what I can…
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1 answer

Add a field to the Umbraco 8 Members Index

I have extended the Umbraco 8 Member type by adding some custom fields. I need to be able to search Members by one of these fields, 'organisationName' (that's it's alias), so when looking at Examine, I tried to add this to the members index like…
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1 answer

Umbraco 8 disable TidyEditorContent

i can disable TidyEditorContent in umbraco 8 to enable tag script? Thanks in advance Davide
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