Questions tagged [umbraco7]

Umbraco 7 is an open source content management system (CMS) platform for publishing content on the World Wide Web and intranets. It is written in C# and deployed on Microsoft based infrastructure.

Umbraco 7 is the seventh stable release of Umbraco - an open source content management system (CMS) platform for publishing content on the World Wide Web and intranets. It is written in C# and deployed on Microsoft based infrastructure. The open source backend is released under an MIT License while the UI is released under the Umbraco license.


1472 questions
8 answers

Display Image from Media Library in Umbraco 7

This should be something embarrassingly simple, but I can't get it to work: I'd simply like to display an image that was uploaded to the Umbraco Media Library (Umbraco 7.1.1) within a Partial View template. The code is @inherits…
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2 answers

Umbraco 7: Could not load type Umbraco.Web.UmbracoApplication

Created an ASP.NET empty web application in Visual Studio Installed Umbraco 7.1.5 via NuGet Package Manager When asked to overwrite the web.config file, typed Y(Yes) Built the project F5 When I run the project I get the following error in…
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2 answers

Surface Controller or Custom Controller in Umbraco 7?

History I'm a Web Forms developer with some .NET MVC experience, new to Umbraco and learning as I go. So far I've been following the Umbraco documentation and videos to get set up which means all my controllers inherit from a "Controller Base" with…
Chris Wilson
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3 answers

Umbraco how to use image property id to get URL

Ok am am very new to Umbraco/C# and what I am trying to do is loop through a custom media type to build banners for the home page of my application and the @bannerUrl always returns the images property id and not the file path to the resource. How…
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2 answers

Can't add javascript to rich text editor

I'm trying to allow javascript in rich text editor inputs in my Umbraco setup. I'm using Umbraco 7.2. I've enabled the script tag in tinyMceConfig.config so the editor no longer eats my script tags. The problem now is that my content is cut off. For…
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1 answer

Umbraco: An unexpected network error on Azure Web Apps

We have an Umbraco website (version 7.5.11) hosted on Azure Web Apps. We are experiencing the following exception intermittently (3 times within the past 3 weeks). Once the exception occurs it brings the website down until we republish the home node…
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1 answer

Which type of cache is suitable for using in Umbraco project and how can I implement an intelligent cache?

What is different between HttpContext.Current.Cache and ApplicationContext.ApplicationCache.RuntimeCachein Umbraco? And which one is better to use in terms of efficiency? I've used Umbraco 7.4.x in my project and ASP.NET MVC. In my project I have a…
Said Roohullah Allem
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2 answers

Umbraco 7 + Razor: How to get a Document/Node by ID?

In the sample code, this is how you get the Home page from a .cshtml file var homePage = CurrentPage.AncestorsOrSelf(1).First(); Now, how do I get a specific page/node (not related to current page, eg. the News page) by its ID?
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5 answers

How to change URL names in Umbraco

This is my first time round using Umbraco and I have created Document Types / Pages using the wrong naming format and now this has transpired into my page URL's, for instance /about-page/. How would I go about changing them to /about as I have…
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0 answers

How to automate Umbraco deployment using Courier 2

Our team use Umbraco 7 as our CMS. We have a simple MVC web site and two main environments; TEST and PROD. Each environment has it's own Umbraco installation and database. I've been tasked with setting up an automated deployment process, which…
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1 answer

Umbraco 7 Working with languages/Dictionary

Our project has finally come to a point where we can add translations. I just cant seem to figure out how to actually work with languages in Umbraco 7. Ive added a language and a few dictionary items in the backend, but how do i select the givent…
Jonas m
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3 answers

Umbraco - Get All tags used in a node/group

I have used GetTags() method under umbraco.cms.businesslogic.Tags.Tag to get all tags under a group or node. var tags = umbraco.cms.businesslogic.Tags.Tag.GetTags("default"); But with umbraco.cms.businesslogic.Tags.Tag being obsolete now, is there…
Shaunak D
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1 answer

Deploying an Umbraco site using Visual Studio

I'm almost finished with my first Umbraco site and i've been looking through these forums as well as the forums to try and find a definitive guide as to how to publish an Umbraco site to a live staging area however, as I have found so…
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1 answer

Is the file system shared across multiple Azure websites?

Quick question. I'm looking to deploy a website to Azure using websites. I read a comment that stated that the file system is shared across multiple instances of the website? Is this true? Does this mean if I upload an image to the file system on…
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0 answers

Umbraco Lucene index for multiple values under one field

I have a requirement to index a series of key phrases assigned to articles. The phrases are stored as a string with a \r\n delimiter and one phrase may contain another phrase, for example: This is a key phrase This is a key phrase too This is also…
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