Questions tagged [deadlines]

A deadline is a narrow field of time in which an assignment or task has to be accomplished. Deadlines or time limits are often associated with milestones and goals.

53 questions
1 answer

gRPC C++ client blocking when I set a deadline time

In my grpc client, it sends a keepalive packet every second.The code like this: bool FcrConfigClient::SendHealthCheckRpc(const grpc::string& service_name) { CtlHealthCheckRequest request; unsigned int client_connection_timeout =…
2 answers

How do I remove variables from a list in a method?

I'm fairly new to Python and I was wondering how to solve a problem. I'm working on a text-based quiz that identifies symptoms and determines which illness you may be suffering from. I made several lists containing the symptoms. Then I made a method…
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Adding Soft and Hard Deadlines to the Linux Scheduler

I am trying to create two new system calls for the Kernel, to set and get deadlines. I know the general concept, but I am struggling as to what the .c files will look like. Could anyone give me some examples as to how, given a process's pid, give it…
1 answer

Real time scheduling question: Relative deadline and absolute deadline?

Title says it all. What is the difference between relative and absolute deadline. I mean the deadline is relative to what? Given a periodic task set with deadline different from periods, and with all offsets equal to 0 (∀i, ri,0 = 0): • The…
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Powershell giving a "Python was not found in the path" error

Forgive me for probably a dumb question. I'm trying to install an Azure plugin via a script, with very simple instructions here I've installed Python 2.7, but I'm getting a python not found error, outlined below in the powershell script. What…
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How can I reuse a specific function from a gallery to a blog to switch between gallery view of all posts and a specific post in slideshow view

I'm excited to ask for help from the coding heroes here at Stack Overflow. I'm trying to replicate a Javascript function. I had already used it before to display, on a single web page, the element clicked while in a gallery-thumbnails view in a…
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Django deadline-timer

I am building a management application for a company. One of the things the application can do is start new projects. The model here for is: ` class Project(models.Model): employees = models.ManyToManyField(settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL) division…
1 answer

JavaScript - deadline not resetting

Can anybody tell me why the deadline isn't reset once it is reached (i.e. the 'else' section)? var timeInMinutes = 1; var currentTime = Date.parse(new Date()); var deadline = localStorage.deadline; if(deadline) { deadline = new…
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How to add 2 detailTextLabels to a cell in Swift?

I have a Table View Controller Swift project in Xcode. I have made a detailTextLabel for the deadline. I would want to add notes as this to appear immediately under the deadline(NSDate) as a second detailTextLabel(NSString), something like built-in…
Razvan Julian
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1 answer

Deadline Task throws error Entity Manager Closed. in jBPM 6.2.0

I am getting EntityManager Closed while running Deadline task in jBPM 6.2.0 This is the log trace. I do not see anywhere in my code me closing Entity Manage Factory. java.lang.IllegalStateException: EntityManager is closednull at…
2 answers

If Date Exceeds Certain Date Then

How do I set a formula or VBA to get around this? If Date Listed in Column A + (7 Days) Exceed 5th of Upcoming Month then Do Something. Its like 5th of Each Month is Deadline. If Column A = 30th March 2015 +(7days)left = 6th April 2015 then Column B…
1 answer

Intalion and tasks with a deadline

Unlike Oracle's solution, I'm not so sure but I think Intalio can't handle tasks with a deadline. What I want is the task to be canceled once 48 hours have passed and to follow a different sequence flow in this case. Just like this. Is there any…
Amine Zaine
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Deadline exceeded while waiting for HTTP response, Python, Google App Engine

I am using a cron job to download a web page and save it, using Google App Engine. After 5 seconds I get a Dealine exceeded error. How can I avoid the error. Searching around this site, I can extend the time limit for urlfetch. But it isn't…
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Block I/O scheduler with sorting and power failure

While reading about I/O schedulers (CFQ, noop, deadline) I found that some of them (for example deadline) sorts blocks before writing. Could anybody give a hint how file system survives power failures when blocks are sorted before writing? Let's say…
2 answers

C# alert when deadline date is approaching

Ok so I have an application that stores records and does various other functions, I would like to be able to implement a way of creating some sort of alert system where by when a deadline date (stored with any record) is approaching it will tell…
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