Questions tagged [deadlines]

A deadline is a narrow field of time in which an assignment or task has to be accomplished. Deadlines or time limits are often associated with milestones and goals.

53 questions
15 answers

How to Deal with chronic time issues?

I have a developer on my staff that chronically overshoots deadlines, and estimates. On several projects the last week or two everyday I hear "It should be done by the end of the day". This developer does good work. I have already spoke to him about…
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8 answers

How do you handle scheduling/deadlines around programmers?

Do programmers like to create deadlines? Im a web developer, and schedules/deadlines are all over the place in my field. But I've worked with some software engineers/programmers who hate deadlines, is there a way around that?
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2 answers

HTTPException: Deadline exceeded while waiting for HTTP response from URL: #deadline

We are using the developers python guide with Python data 2.15 library and as per example stated for app engine. createSite("test site one", description="test site one", source_site…
1 answer

How to avoid DEADLINE_EXCEEDED when "We're sorry, a server error occurred. Please wait a bit and try again." happens?

I have read similar questions such as Error type of "We're sorry, a server error occurred. Please wait a bit and try again. " and many others, but they were specific to other types of error. I have a Google Apps Script running and processing Gmail…
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2 answers

Google App Engine Task Deadline

is there a way to handle any soft deadline while executing a task ? The DeadlineExceededError is thrown after 10 minutes of execution and I am given few seconds after that to do some stuff. I want to clean up somethings before the task dies and…
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1 answer

URLFetch Max Deadline is Only 60 Seconds for TaskQueues

Problem:I am calling URLFetch with a deadline of 480 seconds from within a TaskQueue, but it is timing out after only 60 seconds. The original question was asked in official group more than year ago, but still unanswered. Bug confirmed, but…
2 answers

Earliest deadline scheduling

I want to implement Earliest deadline scheduling in C but I cant find the algorithm on the net.. I understand the example below that when time is 0, both A1 and B1 arrive. Since A1 has the earliest deadline, it is scheduled first. When A1 completes,…
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4 answers

use io_service::post (boost) when deadline_timer is waiting

I have a problem while using deadline_timer and io_service::post as below: #include "boost/asio.hpp" #include "boost/thread.hpp" int main() { boost::asio::io_service io_service; boost::asio::deadline_timer timer1(io_service); …
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5 answers

How to deal with rapid project spec changes in a tight deadline scenario?

How to deal with a project manager that imposes really tight deadlines but with a day or so before the deadline brings in new features and spec changes to implement, with another tight deadline. The worst thing about this is that most of the new…
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1 answer

Google app engine python timeout sending email

My script grabs the content of an rss page gets the urls in that page saves them to a list then it grabs the content of each url and it emails the contents of the page to me. Everything is working very well accept I can't send every link in the…
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1 answer

gRPC deadline set and call timeout difference lower than deadline time

I am making gRPC calls from a java service, and using withDeadlineAfter(1000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS).callApi() This call times out in most cases (DEADLINE_EXCEEDED). When I checked the logs, it looks as follows 2019-06-14 06:30:09.153 +0000 -…
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2 answers

Python Command for Manual Job Submission Maya to deadline (Including submit maya scene file)

I am submitting Maya jobs to Deadline via a script where I pass the two job files (maya_deadline_job.job and maya_deadline_info.job) as arguments to deadlinecommand.exe. I need to make sure I am Submitting the Maya Scene File. Is there any way to…
2 answers

Maya to deadline job submission python command

I am trying to send maya renders to render farm by Deadline Software. Python Command for Manual Job Submission Maya to deadline. import sys import subprocess import maya.cmds as cmds deadline = "C:\\Program…
Rajiv Sharma
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1 answer

Earliest deadline cpu scheduling

Updated:Solved my first question about sorting. But now I can't figure out how to show the correct diagram for the earliest deadline first algorithm with idle times. So far here is my code: import java.util.*; class deadlineprototype …
Erastian Kun
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1 answer

Google OR-Tools Error: Evaluating a BoundedLinearExpr as a Boolean value is not supported

I want to schedule n jobs on m machines with transition times and alternatives and modified the example in github/or-tools/ because I also want some kind of lateness penalty. My test input data is with n = 9 and m =…
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