Questions tagged [deadline-timer]

11 questions
3 answers

Linking Boost Library in Linux

I am trying to build a project using Boost's Asio and I am having some trouble. Initially, I tried to build the project without any additional libraries since everything is supposedly in the header files. The program I am trying to build looks like…
2 answers

boost deadline_timer not waiting

I tried using the boost deadline_timer in this simple test application, but had some trouble. The goal is for the timer to trigger every 45 milliseconds using the expires_at() member function of the deadline_timer. (I need an absolute time, so I'm…
Dylan Klomparens
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1 answer

Boost deadline_timer causes stack-buffer-overflow

I have been stuck on a really wierd bug with Boost Deadline_timer for the last days. Desktop: Ubuntu 18.04 Boost: v1.65.01 When I create a new deadline_timer within the constructor of my class AddressSanitizer catches a stack-buffer-overflow coming…
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1 answer

Error using boost::asio::deadline_timer while execution

I am trying to implement a basic deadline timer using this code: class Example { Example(boost::asio::io_service& ios, config& cfg) : ios_(ios), cfg_(cfg), tcp_client_(ios) { …
0 answers

How to create a customizable Countdown (Deadline) in JS that user can configure?

I need to create a 'Deadline' option (countdown) using JS. I want the user to be able to configure it from the Date popup in html, and when the user refreshes the page the countdown is still working on the date the user has configured. I also need…
0 answers

boost asio recursion causes segfault in deadline_timer

I am programming an UDP client. The protocol is written as a single response for a single request. I have a transaction class that sends the message and then runs a timer to wait for the response. If the response is received in expected time the…
Neel Basu
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1 answer

Google Text-to-speech doesn't run as CloudFunction

I tried to create a wrapper around Google Text-to-Speech copied verbatim from your help pages. From the logs it seems it tried to create a Jetty Instance(to forward the call to another service?) but fails as it can't assign it a network address by…
1 answer

Errors trying to use boost::asio::deadline_timer in class

Boost v1.54 I had originally written my tests for this inside a single .cpp file which worked fine, however when trying to merge it into my source code with my class, I am getting persisting errors of: error: no matching function for call to…
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2 answers

Why does boost deadline_timer used as timeout for async_connect not work on unix?

I have a program that uses boost asio to connect to 3 TCP sockets asynchronously using a deadline_timer as a connect timeout. On windows everything works as expected. The connection times out after 5 seconds. However, on Unix(Ubuntu on WSL, Linux…
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0 answers

Django deadline-timer

I am building a management application for a company. One of the things the application can do is start new projects. The model here for is: ` class Project(models.Model): employees = models.ManyToManyField(settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL) division…
1 answer

boost deadline_timer compile issue

The following source will not compile using MSVC 12. IMCThreadMngr.cpp #include "IMCThreadMngr.h" CIMCThreadMngr::CIMCThreadMngr() : mService(), mWork(mService) {} CIMCThreadMngr::~CIMCThreadMngr() {}; void CIMCThreadMngr::StopManager() { …
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