Questions tagged [iosched]

iosched is the officlial Google I/O App for Android

Google I/O is a developer conference held each year with two days of deep technical content featuring technical sessions and hundreds of demonstrations from developers showcasing their technologies.

This project is the Android app for the conference. The app supports devices running Android 2.2+, and is optimized for phones and tablets of all shapes and sizes.

With the app, users can:

  • View the conference agenda and edit your personal schedule
  • View detailed session, code lab, and speaker information, including speaker bios, photos, and Google+ profiles
  • +1 sessions right from the app
  • Participate in public #io12 conversations on Google+
  • Guide yourself using the conference map
  • Get a reminder a few minutes before sessions in your schedule are due to start
  • View information about companies in the Developer Sandbox
  • Keep up with announcements from the I/O team during the conference
  • View your schedule on your Android 3.0+ device's home screen using an app widget
  • Play "I/O Live" session video streams on your Android 3.0+ and Google TV devices
  • Automatically sync sessions in your schedule to your Android 4.0 device's calendar
  • Beam session details from your Android 4.0, NFC-enabled device to another using Android Beam
12 questions
3 answers

build failed Google io 2018 (iosched)

Download the project of Google IO 2018 (iosched), try to compile it in Android Studio 3.3 Canary 7, also the probe in 3.2 RC1. But I get the following error: error: resource style/TextAppearance.MaterialComponents.BottomNavigationView.Colored (aka…
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1 answer

Google iosched: method ID not in

3 weeks back, I had Google iosched source downloaded and imported into my android studio. I could install & run the app in my emulator as well as my devices connected to my machine. However, last week, when I tried to run the same Android Studio…
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Two id columns in sqlite android. Is it reasonable?

I'm exploring source code of google io schedule app in education purposes. And I've noted an interesting thing. In ScheduleProvider they use two id field. For example you can see that in table of blocks they use well known BaseColumns._ID and…
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2 answers

Android Studio 0.8 Task assemble not found in root project

I m trying to build the iosched app on ubuntu 14.04 on android studio 0.8 . After importing the setting.gradle file and following the build instruction I get an error saying Error :FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. * What went…
Vihaan Verma
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iosched 2014 project in android studio

I have downloaded iosched 2014 project from However, I am not able to proceed further due to use of "L" preview in codebase. Is there a sanitised version of the project with the android lollipop release.
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2 answers

Deadline I/O Scheduler front_merges scenario

I'm working on a research on Linux IO Schedulers. Linux Deadline IO Scheduler uses 'front_merges' property to decide the request is front or back merge. But I couldn't understand how can it work because of it sets 'front_merges' property just in one…
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1 answer

Why does iosched use getFragmentManager and not getSupportFragmentManager?

Why does the iosched app use getFragmentManager instead of getSupportFragmentManager? I was under the assumption that if you're using the support classes you should 'go all the way'. Can someone explain the reasoning behind this? I'm trying to…
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1 answer

Block I/O scheduler with sorting and power failure

While reading about I/O schedulers (CFQ, noop, deadline) I found that some of them (for example deadline) sorts blocks before writing. Could anybody give a hint how file system survives power failures when blocks are sorted before writing? Let's say…
1 answer

android listview of IOSCHED 2013 application

I'm trying to use the same component that I see in IOSCHED 2013 application ,it's like a listview but it's start from bottom!!. could be a listview with drag/drop option from bottom ?? here is the picture which I took from here: IOsched…
Inès Belhouchet
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1 answer

Android: iosched clone resource/api issue

I am using Ant to compile a clone of iosched but am running into an error. Lots, actually, but I'm sure it's from something simple I'm not seeing. When running ant debug when aapt is bundling resources: [aapt]…
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0 answers

How can i use ImageFetcher(iosched) with ActionBarSherlock + mapview?

I'm using the version of ActionBarSherlock which allows me to use ActionBarSherlock + MapView. Now, i'm trying to show a mapview and a listview, but the listview has some items with url images. I wan to use the ImageFetcher of iosched, but the…
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1 answer

How to test iosched 2012? I'm fairly new to android development. I can launch the app in the emulator, but cannot proceed further. Its 'add account' button do nothing. Does this app run only on device? How do I regiter an account for this…
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