Questions tagged [bpmn]

Business Process Model & Notation

BPMN is the Business Process Model and Notation. BPMN is a graphical notation for modeling business processes and an XML model for serializing the process and diagram as XML. BPMN currently is available in revision 2.0.2. Since July 2013, it is an international standard ISO / IEC 19510.


919 questions
8 answers

Is jBPM dying? What is the future of jBPM and Activiti BPMN?

I have heard that the developers of "jBPM" have transferred to "Activiti BPMN 2" in recent times (ex: Tom). I am wondering about is whether the support for jBPM will be over or not.. Besides, I would be glad to hear your ideas about if the…
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1 answer

BPMN dynamic workflow for Django

I want to build a Django solution which workflow can be defined and changed on the fly, hopefully by updating a BPMN diagram without having to change the source code and redeploy. Despite such a feature has been around for quite a while in Java…
2 answers

BPMN Engine for NodeJS similar to Activiti or jBPM

I am looking for a standard BPMN compliant Business Process Management(BPM) Engine in the Javascript or NodeJS world comparable to Activiti or jBPM. Anybody has a suggestion ? Thanks,
7 answers

What is the difference between Inclusive and Exclusive OR?

I have been studying some Business Process Execution Language (BPEL) and the associated modelling system (BPMN) where the designer needs to learn about inclusive and exclusive gateways for process flow. Thanks very much for any help and a general…
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9 answers

Library for rendering BPMN 2.0 in a browser

For a science project I'd need to render/display a BPMN 2.0 model in a web browser. Are there any libraries available to only render the diagram? (I don't need to edit it or do anything other than displaying it). Bonus points if said library is…
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2 answers

Difference of BPMN and BPEL

What's the difference between BPMN (Business Process Model & Notation) and BPEL (Business Process Expression Language) and Where do we use BPMN and where do we use BPEL and which one is better?
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1 answer

How to query running instances of a process definition?

Does the camunda engine provides an API to query all running instances of a certain process? Does this query includes suspended instances too?
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3 answers

Which .NET based BPM (Business Process Management) software recommended?

I need to recommend an open source business process management BPM software engine to work with. Can anyone suggest such a BPM software to use? Thanks for you time.
Hadi Sharifi
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1 answer

Camunda BPMN - Task listener vs Execution listeners

I've been using Camunda BPMN 2.0 for one of my workflow applications. In one of my service tasks, I created an execution listener at the start event and a task listener at the create event. I'm not sure whether it's proper to assign these…
Ramdas Nair
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6 answers

Advantages and disadvantages of BPMN?

I was hoping you could tell me what the advantages and disadvantages of BPMN are in a developers perspective. I'm comparing UML with BPMN and a found a bunch of advantages and disadvanteges for UML but none for BPMN.
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4 answers

Open source framework to build Web based BPMN designer

We have already built a BPMN designer on eclipse framework.It was easy to build with great support from eclipse based frameworks like EMF, Graphitti etc. Now we want to build a web based BPMN designer. Can you suggest which open source frameworks i…
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3 answers

What exactly is the difference between a theoretical petri net and a BPMN workflow?

There's theoretical petri nets: And then there's workflows expressed as BPMN 2.0. What exactly is the difference? The reason I ask is that we want to do a simplification of business processes modelled in BPMN…
2 answers

Is there any BPMN 2.0 Parser for .NET?

In general, I am searching for a way to Model business processes. I found UML and BPMN quite often as an answer to this. Now I want to check this models with a Program. There is only an UML specification HOW this elements should look like, not how…
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Add new workflow into Alfresco share

I'm new to Alfresco/Activiti. Our company is using Skelta BPM.NET (in integration with our self developed RMS) and now we would like to take a look into other BPM software. I last days I found our how to create new workflow using Eclipse and Import…
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2 answers

BPMN vs Flow Based Programming

Short Question Can flow based programming replace what BPMNs do? Or are they different tools for different circumstances. If so examples would be great. thanks. Longer Story Lately I've been trying to create a BPMN implementation in Javascript. In…
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