Questions tagged [composite-application]

A composite application is a software application built by combining multiple existing functions into a new application. The technical concept can be compared to mashups. However, composite applications use business sources (e.g., existing modules or even Web services ) of information, while mashups usually rely on web-based, and often free, sources.

15 questions
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Prevent WPF Frame from storing history in the stack

This seems like it would be an easy solution, but I'm wasting too much time trying to figure this out. Perhaps I am designing my application incorrectly (which might be the case), so please help me out if you have a better solution. I'm designing…
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Is Windows Forms Application still a good option?

I have not created Windows forms applications (using C# and .NET) since 2005 so I am not sure if it is still a good option for rich client applications. Also I do not know if there is any (comparatively) new framework for building Windows apps other…
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Entity Framework Code first TpT mapping in a composite app

I'm working on a composite total system application which different companies may add different modules but there is only one database.I have a Generic repository in my framework which is technology independent (I mean it's provider base and for now…
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What is the best practice for domain model re-use in composite applications?

We have a composite application built using the Composite UI Application Block (CAB)/Smart Client Software Factory (SCSF). To date, each module in our composite app has used its own set of DTO's, and business logic has been duplicated throughout…
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Working with nested views using Prism with IsNavigationTarget which can return false

I'm trying to find solution for the following problem. I have a WPF app, I used mvvm and prism (most recent version 7) to build it. Here is the draft of the form/dialog I work on: MainView has region - region1, I inject SubViewA into region1 based…
2 answers

Static variable initialized more than once using Prism and MEF

Context I have an InteractionWindowPresenter class in charge of creating Windows. Some of them may be modal and I want to keep a counter of the number of opened modal windows in order to notify other parts of the application. Therefore I added a…
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Utilizing Frames/Pages and Composite Application Guidance (Prism) in Silverlight Solution

Is there any way to use pages/frames in a Silverlight Composite Application? I have previously created a Silverlight Application that utilizes System.Windows.Controls.Navigation.Frame and System.Windows.Controls.Pages. Here is the key piece of…
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3 answers

How to install Lotus Expeditor on Eclipse Keplar

I am trying to develop composite applications for IBM Lotus Notes using Lotus Expeditor Toolkit. I am using Eclipse Keplar SR2 and trying to install Lotus Expeditor 6.2.3 (and even 6.2.2 & 6.2.1). I have downloaded the update site for Expeditor…
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difference between a command and an event in Composite Application Block

I'm using the Composite Application Block in my app. There are 2 concepts, EventHandlers and CommandHandlers which seem very similar to me... both allow you to invoke functionality in one part of the UI from another. What is the difference between…
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CAF page header not showing up for sysadmin user

I have a webMethods MWS server, when I am logging in with sysadmin user the header and footer tab is not showing up. Error page looks like this - While the correct page looks like this from another MWS server - Can someone help me how to fix this…
Anirban Nag 'tintinmj'
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WSO2 Composite Application Project doesn't show any dependency

I am new to WSO2 and I am trying to create an HelloWorld process following this guide: The problem is that when i try to create a Composite Application Project, no available dependencies…
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A proper MVVM-style way to add a Button to Toolbar from Prism module

I have composite application with toolbar and I want to make my modules possible to add some buttons to toolbar. As I have understood, a RegionManager should be used to provide this possibility. I wrote a code like this: public class MyModule :…
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Microsoft Composite Application Block (CAB) Loading Issue

I am fairly new to the Microsoft CAB framework and am running into an issue where I cannot "unhide" the ribbon bar in my application since it is set while the application is loading. I can unhide/show it afterwards in an event in a WorkItem…
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How can I move multiple Pylons Applications into a single Composite Application?

We have several single Pylon websites running but would like to make these more easily reusable. There is a concept of a "Composite Application" inside pylons, but there seems to be limited instructions on how to achieve this. Has anyone done this…
Matthew Wilcoxson
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Cannot select WSO2 artifacts for CAR file

I am trying to package my composite application in WSO2 but the pom file is being shown as a standard eclipse pom, not a WOS2 pom. This makes it very difficult to be able to choose which artifacts to include in my CAR file. Is there a way to fix…