Questions tagged [lotus-notes]

Tag for programming questions related to Lotus Notes & Domino

It is appropriate to also include specific language tags when asking questions about communicating with Lotus Notes from those languages, for example using .NET or VBA to send an email, or to pull data from SQL into Notes.

3388 questions
7 answers

What is the difference between CouchDB and Lotus Notes?

I was looking into the possibility of using CouchDB. I heard that it was similar to Lotus Notes which everyone loves to hate. Is this true?
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10 answers

What is the best way and recommended practices for interacting with Lotus Notes from C#

In particular, I have to extract all the messages and attachments from Lotus Notes files in the fastest and most reliable way. Another point that may be relevant is that I need to do this from a secondary thread. Edit Thanks for the answers - both…
Phil Haselden
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3 answers

Lotus Notes / LotusScript - How to set date in German rather than English?

I am writing code which sends a mail to users. The mail text contains a date. While the date is calculated correctly, the date is displayed in English, even though all users have German language Windows OS and have German set as their language in…
Tony Guiheen
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2 answers

How to clean SSJS in Domino server after someone used javascript prototype in a nsf?

How to clean SSJS (Server Side Javascript) in Domino server after someone used javascript prototype in a nsf? Mark Roden discovered a huge weakness in XPages SSJS: (thanks to David Leedy for tell me about this and show me the article). If you have…
Johann Echavarria
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3 answers

Sending formatted Lotus Notes rich text email from Excel VBA

I have little Lotus Script or Notes/Domino knowledge but I have a procedure, copied from somewhere a long time ago, that allows me to email through Notes from VBA. I normally only use this for internal notifications where the formatting hasn't…
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3 answers

Location of currently running class or JAR file

I have a Lotus Notes database which is performing some interaction with a remote web service. I've written a custom Java class to perform the interaction. The class methods can be executed from one of three locations depending on the user's…
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4 answers

.NET and Lotus Notes Interop

I've Lotus Notes database file (.nsf) at some location, let's say: Is it possible in any way to read from that location using any .NET language?
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1 answer

API to integrate with Domino

I am a relatively newbie to Lotus/Domino world and have been tasked with the following Domino task. Access user's Domino mailbox (from a middleware server) and delete certain malicious emails from the same. Additional Background: There is a external…
7 answers

Best practices for version control for Lotus Notes/Domino development

Please share how you do version control for Lotus Notes/Domino development. I want to put in our SVN repository all the scripts, views, custom forms, script libraries, etc. Semi-automated methods are accepted as well (i.e. if I find a way to get all…
Sunny Milenov
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2 answers

Invoking method on a Java class from lotus script (LS2J)

Most dignified developers, I'm having trouble invoking a method on my own java class from a lotus script agent. My Java class simplified looks like this import lotus.domino.*; public class MyClass{ /* .. omitted constructor and other methods ..…
Erik Backman
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1 answer

Way to check is an user a document author?

Hello Domino programmers! I work on a lotus database + xpages and i ran into a following problem: I have Authors and Readers fields on document and both can contain users and groups. Both fields are set on XPage using NamePicker control. When…
The Raven
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1 answer

How to incorporate version control (Git) in a large Lotus Notes project

We are maintaining a large website based on Lotus Notes, running on Domino Server 8.5.3. Recently we have been fed up with the lack of source control in our project, so we thought we would try to Git things up a little. But how to do this right? For…
4 answers

What happens during Server to server replication if reader access is revoked

I would like to understand what happens in the following Lotus-Domino server to server replication scenario: Server A has a replica of A database. Server B has a replica of the same database. Both servers have manager access on the database,…
Jasper Duizendstra
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3 answers

Notes error: Entry not found in index when reading view entries

My xPage SSJS fails in line: viewEntry = view.getNext(viewEntry); with error Notes error: Entry not found in index I do have this options set to false but it doesn't help: view.setAutoUpdate(false); So I suspect that it fails because user has…
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1 answer

iCalendar (ics) versions and various calendar clients (Outlook, iCal, Lotus Notes) - what works and what doesn't?

I'm working on a web application that allows users to create a calendar of events, then download those events into their calendar program of choice (e.g., Outlook, Lotus Notes, iCal, Google Calendar, etc.) The web app outputs the event data as an…
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