Questions tagged [region-management]

10 questions
4 answers

didEnterRegion works in foreground but not background or other VCs

If the app is running and the CLLocationManagerDelegate class is the foreground (i.e. visible) then the didEnterRegions triggers and I get both the NSLog as well as the AlertView. However, I get nothing when the app is in the background or,…
ari gold
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1 answer

WPF Prism Confirm Navigation Request for Multiple Regions

I have an aplication with three regions. Region A is a navigation area to hold navigation items for modules in the app. Regions B and C are content areas for the modules. I also have two Modules Module1 and Module2 which each have a Navigation Item…
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2 answers

WPF/Prism : Views return System.Object

I am new to WPF and Prism, but I already learned that you have to register a View in Unity as an object: Container.RegisterType("My.Assembly.MyView"); Still, when I use var RelativeUriToMyView = new…
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1 answer

Prism 7 throws and exception when working with nested views

I posted similar question few months ago Working with nested views using Prism with IsNavigationTarget which can return false, I'm still not sure what is the proper way to do it. Imagine you have a view A, in this view A you have declared a region…
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Working with nested views using Prism with IsNavigationTarget which can return false

I'm trying to find solution for the following problem. I have a WPF app, I used mvvm and prism (most recent version 7) to build it. Here is the draft of the form/dialog I work on: MainView has region - region1, I inject SubViewA into region1 based…
1 answer

Multi-shell application?

I am new to Prism. Imagin a scenario where you want to develop a multi-region application, but there should are many types of screens and I want those regions to be in one screen only, whereas, for instance in the HomePage which is the application…
Shimmy Weitzhandler
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1 answer

WPF Getting a RegionName from a View Class

WPF application, using Prism. I am using a multi phase module initialiser and in the initialisation of the module I would like the module to self inspect the views and register any regions defined within. I am using something similar to the code…
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1 answer

Adding Views to the ItemsSource of an ItemsControl via a Region of a Scoped RegionManager

I am trying to populate the ItemsSource of a ComboBox (a derivative of ItemsControl) via a region. View The scoped RegionManager (found on the View Model) is assigned to the view via prism:RegionManager.RegionManager="{Binding…
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1 answer

Is it possible to make a WPF modaless view to become a modal one?

I'm using Prism pop-up region and the popup is modaless. When I tried to change Prism sample codes to replace .Show() by .ShowDialog() command, the codes become unstable. So, I need to keep the current codes intact and think of a work-around: change…
Nam G VU
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1 answer

With WPF Prism can you prevent two modules from trying to use the same region simultaneously?

Here is the overview of what I am trying to do. I have a region in the shell that is used for application modal dialogs. When a module wants to launch an application modal dialog it loads a custom Lightbox control into the region and fills it with…
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