Questions tagged [prism-7]

46 questions
1 answer

How to set different lifetime managers in Prism 7 with Unity container

In older versions of Prism I was able to do this from UnityBootstrapper class protected override void ConfigureContainer() { base.ConfigureContainer(); Container.RegisterType(new…
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Prism 7 - Injecting the IContainer objects into a view model

I recently had the opportunity to create a new prism-based application. I had been using the 6.3 version for quite a while, but saw the prism 7 had moved out of prerelease and wanted to give it a try. I created a new prism application using the…
Rob Goodwin
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1 answer

Register singletons as collection of Interfaces with Prism 7

I am converting a Prim 6 using MEF for IOC to Prism 7 Unity since MEF is not longer supported. The biggest difference I have to contend with is the presumption in MEF that everything is singleton by default while Unity tends to assume the…
Ernie S
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modal dialog in prism 7.2

I'm developing an .net core 3 wpf Prism application and I want to know how is it possible, with the new IDIalogAware interface in Prism 7.2, to have the main window grayed out when the modal dialog shows. I'm searching for something like the…
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Prism 7. Using PrismApplication.CreateShell() with a non Window control

I would like to update from 6.3 to 7. I seem to have hit a road block. When using the PrismApplication class in the App.xaml, CreateShell expects a return type of Window instead of the previous BootStrapper which wanted a DependencyObject. My…
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Prism : Register region in another window than shell

I'm building a project with Prism and I was wondering if there is a way to have region from another window than the shell registred in the region manager. The control i try to build has to be in a separate window, and it would be nice to have region…
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Working with nested views using Prism with IsNavigationTarget which can return false

I'm trying to find solution for the following problem. I have a WPF app, I used mvvm and prism (most recent version 7) to build it. Here is the draft of the form/dialog I work on: MainView has region - region1, I inject SubViewA into region1 based…
2 answers

How do I specify constructor parameters in my dependency injection container in Prism?

How do I inject constructor parameters in my dependencies that I configure using Prism? I overrode RegisterTypes to register my dependencies like this: public partial class App : PrismApplication { protected override void…
Ben Rubin
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Missing documentation for Prism 7 WPF

When I visit most of the topics in the left hand navigation menu have no content. Is there something wrong with the site or is there somewhere else I should be looking. I am trying desperately to work through…
1 answer

Xamarin Prism7 - IUnityContainer doesn't have the types I registered

I am building my first Xamarin mobile application (android / iOS) with PRISM. I'm following this very helpful tutorial Problem is the IUnityContainer that gets injected into my…
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2 answers

New shell/window in Prism/WPF shows wrong view

Inspired by this answer, I created a general purpose Shell (Prism, WPF) like this:
Robert Hegner
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NavigationService won't navigate after going there via absolute Navigation

I am currently working on a Xamarin.Forms application that is targeting UWP, iOS and android. After implementing a login dialog I am navigating a logged in user to a SomeContentPage, which I now want to be enclosed into a NavigationPage (and perhaps…
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User popup window before Prism 7.1 window is loaded - how?

I'm using Prism 7.1 WPF and Prism Unity. Before the main runs, or when the main Prism window appears, I want to have a modal pop-up window for user to input some data. The input data would be for user login, and, more…
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In Prism 7 for Xamarin Forms, is there a way to get prior page in OnNavigatedTo handler

New to using Prism in Xamarin Forms: INavigationAware gives me the OnNavigatedTo handler. I want different behavior in this form depending on where we are navigating from. Is there a way to get the prior page? Specifically I have page A that…
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Xamarin Forms Prism MVVM nested TabbedPage problem

I am using Xamarin Forms with Prism MVVM framework. I have a problem when doing nested TabbedPage. For example I have TabbedPage1. Then I add TabbedPage2 and Page99 as the children of TabbedPage1. Then I add Page1 and Page2 as the children of…
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