Questions tagged [column-family]

A column family is a NoSQL object that contains columns of related data. It is a tuple (pair) that consists of a key-value pair, where the key is mapped to a value that is a set of columns. In analogy with relational databases, a column family is as a "table".

65 questions
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Cassandra has a limit of 2 billion cells per partition, but what's a partition?

In Cassandra Wiki, it is said that there is a limit of 2 billion cells (rows x columns) per partition. But it is unclear to me what is a partition? Do we have one partition per node per column family, which would mean that the max size of a column…
Benoit Thiery
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3 answers

How to add new column family to an existing HBase table?

I created a table by create 'tablename', 'columnfamily1' Now is it possible to add another column family 'columnfamily2'? What is the method?
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What NoSQL database (categories) support versioning?

I thought that regardless of whether a NoSQL aggregate store is a key-value, column-family or document database, it would support versioning of values. After a bit of Googling, I'm concluding that this assumption is wrong and that it just depends on…
Sridhar Sarnobat
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1 answer

How to trace back a large partition of a column family in cassandra

Through ops-center and nodetool cfstats i was able to find that one of the partitions of a keyspace table is 560 Mb, but couldn't find out which partition is that. How can we trace which partition of the table is that big ??
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how to get value from counter Column in cassandra with multiple row keys?

I have one column family that has multiple counter columns. Now I want to get their value behalf of different row keys, Means like RangeSlicesQuery or MultigetSliceQuery, I want to apply on counter column please give me way in counter column.
Rohit Sharma
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2 answers

Why does HBase need to store the Column Family for every Value?

Because HBase tables are sparse tables, HBase stores for every cell not only the value, but all the information required to identify the cell (often described as the Key, not to be confused with the RowKey). The Key looks as…
1 answer

Wide column vs column family vs columnar vs column oriented DB definition

There are lots of confusions among these terms. I'd like to through my understanding out and see if people agree. I have seen conflicting and wrong definition all over the web. In my mind, wide column and column family DB are essentially the same…
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1 answer

How to insert in Cassandra into Composite Columns using Astyanax client?

I am trying to insert into Composite Columns in Cassandra using Astyanax client. Below is the column family I have created in which all the columns are Composite Columns. I am not sure how should I insert into below Column Family with each columns…
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1 answer

Cassandra dynamic column family

I am new to cassandra and I read some articles about static and dynamic column family. It is mentioned ,From Cassandra 3 table and column family are same. I created key space, some tables and inserted data into that table. CREATE TABLE subscribers( …
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Hbase table column value not able to update- if variable having NaN

I am not able to update the value in hbase column family. The condition is - If variable cricketScore is not a number then update the value as "NA", otherwise update the value. cricketScore= 100F // isNaN -- > false // cricketScore = 0.0/0.0 …
1 answer

cassandra cqlsh data format issue

I have an operational cassandra cluster with the tarball installation of apache Cassandra 3.7 in a single data center mode. CQLSH Issue: When I describe the column family I see the column names are correctly shown but when I do a select on the table…
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Cassandra Time Series Data Modelling and Limiting Partition Size

We are currently investigating Cassandra as the database for a large time series system. I have read through about modelling time series data in Cassandra. What we have…
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How we can do CRUD operations on complex data models in Cassandra?

How we can do CRUD operations on complex data models in Cassandra? I have a project using NOSQL. I have a column family for my customers. The column family has just "id" at first. Then it will be updated by altering new columns. Count and type…
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1 answer

how to add a column in hbase table without adding column family

is that possible to create a hbase table without adding column family, for instance create 'emp','personal data','professional data' personal data & professional data are the column family, i want to add fields to table without adding column…
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3 answers

How to copy cassandra data from one cluster to another

I Have 2 cassandra clusters, on different datacenter (note that these are 2 different clusters, NOT a single cluster with multidc), and both clusters have the same keyspace and columnfamily models. I wish to copy data of columnfamily C from Cluster…
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