Questions tagged [pycassa]

Pycassa is a python client for the Cassandra key-value (NoSQL) data store.

Pycassa is a python client for the Cassandra key-value (NoSQL) data store.

120 questions
5 answers

Is there any query for Cassandra as same as SQL:LIKE Condition?

The LIKE condition allows us to use wildcards in the where clause of an SQL statement. This allows us to perform pattern matching. The LIKE condition can be used in any valid SQL statement - select, insert, update, or delete. Like this SELECT * FROM…
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4 answers

best Cassandra library/wrapper for Python?

I found lazyboy and pycassa - maybe there are others too. I've seen many sites recommending lazyboy. IMHO the project seems dead, see So what's the best option for a new project?…
Florian Lagg
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4 answers

Getting an unexpected NameError in pycassaShell when invoking one function from another

I'm playing with pycassaShell (as part of the Cassandra and the Twissandra tutorial). When trying to add two functions inside the shell, and call one from the other I get an error that the Name is not recognized. This is probably something very…
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2 answers

Aptana 3 Unresolved import - Python

I'm trying to import pycassa library in a Python project in Aptana 3, but in the line "import pycassa" it show me the next error: "Unresolved import: pycassa". I installed pycassa with easy install and if I run "import pycassa" in a python shell it…
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2 answers

How to retrieve the timestamp from cassandra?

In the below cassandra, "get result"..we can able to retrieve the column name and values. But how to retrieve the timestamp..Is there any better idea to get the values by using timestamp [default@sample]get user[bob]; …
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2 answers

Generate UUID for Cassandra in Python

Heh, I'm using cf.insert(uuid.uuid1().bytes_le, {'column1': 'val1'}) (pycassa) to create a TimeUUID for Cassandra, but getting the error InvalidRequestException: InvalidRequestException(why='UUIDs must be exactly 16 bytes') It doesn't work…
Henrik P. Hessel
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2 answers

How to create RDD object on cassandra data using pyspark

I am using cassandra 2.0.3 and I would like to use pyspark (Apache Spark Python API) to create an RDD object from cassandra data. PLEASE NOTE: I do not want to do import CQL and then CQL query from pyspark API rather I would like to create an RDD on…
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5 answers

How do I get all the keys that are stored in the Cassandra column family with pycassa?

Is anyone having experience working with pycassa I have a doubt with it. How do I get all the keys that are stored in the database? well in this small snippet we need to give the keys in order to get the associated columns (here the keys are 'foo'…
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1 answer

Best Cassandra 1.2 driver for Python, Should I forget about CQL?

I'm looking for a good driver for python: 1) Pycassa. It doesn't support CQL, and they dont think to do it soon. 2) I thought to use cassandra-dbapi2 but here a guy says that "it…
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1 answer

pycassa TypeError: A str or unicode, unable to do cassandra insert

My scripting is python and cassandra is data stax community edition. TypeError: A str or unicode value was expected, but int was received instead (3902503) this is the error I'm getting while trying to insert into a cassandra column family. the…
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1 answer

python ORM for apache cassandra

Which is the best python ORM based on Flask framework for Apache Cassandra 2.x? The ORM you are sugesting, should have best features, like that of pycassa or even more. It will be most useful, if you share with examples on any URLs.
Swam Guru
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2 answers

how to do the query in cassandra If i have two cluster key in column family

I have a column family and syntax like this: CREATE TABLE sr_number_callrecord ( id int, callerph text, sr_number text, callid text, start_time text, plan_id int, PRIMARY KEY((sr_number), start_time, callerph) ); I want to do…
Birendra Kumar
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2 answers

loading all rows from cassandra using multiple (python) clients in parallel

When using Cassandra's recommended RandomPartitioner (or Murmur3Partitioner), it is not possible to do meaningful range queries on keys, because the rows are distributed around the cluster using the md5 hash of the key. These hashes are called…
1 answer

Why Cassandra secondary indexes are so slow on just 350k rows?

I have a column family with the secondary index. The secondary index is basically a binary field, but I'm using a string for it. The field called is_exported and can be 'true' or 'false'. After request all loaded rows are updated with is_exported =…
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1 answer

How to store a multi-dimensional array in cassandra

I would like to store array-like objects in cassandra, but I need to access every element also with cql, therefore I need to build indexes. Unfortunately the size of the arrays is dynamic (but not the number of dimensions, they are predefined). What…
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