Questions tagged [column-oriented]

Column oriented DBMS are systems that store all the data related to a single column together, unlinke traditional DBMS that store data by row.

Sometimes the term is confused or used interchangeably with wide column store which is a different concept related to nosql databases.

In order to be unambiguous it's better to use the tag when dealing with systems like , and use when dealing with systems like .

Certain systems, like share both features, they have a wide column store data model but also store data on disk in a column oriented way (specifcally grouped by column family).


39 questions
7 answers

Why many refer to Cassandra as a Column oriented database?

Reading several papers and documents on internet, I found many contradictory information about the Cassandra data model. There are many which identify it as a column oriented database, other as a row-oriented and then who define it as a hybrid way…
7 answers

What's the difference between NoSQL and a Column-Oriented database?

The more I read about NoSQL, the more it begins to sound like a column oriented database to me. What's the difference between NoSQL (e.g. CouchDB, Cassandra, MongoDB) and a column oriented database (e.g. Vertica, MonetDB)?
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4 answers

Open source column-oriented storage engine for PostgreSQL?

Are there any open source projects in the works to create a column-oriented storage engine for PostgreSQL? I know Yahoo created one in-house, and that there are commercial products built on PostgreSQL that are column-oriented.
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4 answers

Is Cassandra a column oriented or columnar database

Columnar database should store group of columns together. But Cassandra stores data row-wise. SS Table will hold multiple rows of data mapped to their corresponding partition key. So I feel like Cassandra is a row wise data store like MySQL but has…
7 answers

Recommendations for column-oriented database

I've found databases typically come in two flavors, your traditional row-oriented RDBMS or an object oriented database (OODBMS). However, in the mid 90s I remember, a new breed of databases showing up that were column oriented. Some of these were…
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2 answers

Is it worth trying MonetDB?

Has anyone had any experience with MonetDB? Currently, I have a MySQL database that is growing too large, and queries are getting too slow. According to column-oriented paradigm, insertions will be slower (which I don't mind at all), but data…
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Relational vs Columnar and Document Databases - aren't they one in the same?

I understand that document-oriented NoSQL DBs are "extensions" of the KV model in that they allow you to query more than just a single lookup key. But once something is a "document", I feel like it already has a relational model baked into…
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2 answers

Columnar storage: Cassandra vs Redshift

How is columnar storage in the context of a NoSQL database like Cassandra different from that in Redshift. If Cassandra is also a columnar storage then why isn't it used for OLAP applications like Redshift?
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1 answer

Wide column vs column family vs columnar vs column oriented DB definition

There are lots of confusions among these terms. I'd like to through my understanding out and see if people agree. I have seen conflicting and wrong definition all over the web. In my mind, wide column and column family DB are essentially the same…
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3 answers

Recommendations for TimeSeries db

preferably open source for storing tick info.
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1 answer

Mixing column and row oriented databases?

I am currently trying to improve the performance of a web application. The goal of the application is to provide (real time) analytics. We have a database model that is similiar to a star schema, few fact tables and many dimensional tables. The…
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1 answer

Sequential Row IDs in Column Oriented DBs (HBase, Cassandra)?

I've seen two contradictory pieces of advice when it comes to designing row IDs in HBase, (specifically, but I think it applies to Cassandra as well.) Group keys that you'll be aggregating together often to take advantage of data locality. (White,…
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4 answers

Converting to a column oriented array in Java

Although I have Java in the title, this could be for any OO language. I'd like to know a few new ideas to improve the performance of something I'm trying to do. I have a method that is constantly receiving an Object[] array. I need to split the…
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1 answer

MySQL: Will a column-oriented engine be available in MySQL 5.5?

Will a column-oriented storage engine (e.g. InfiniDB) be available in the core release of MySQL 5.5? Meaning, not as a plugin but available with the core MySQL 5.5 bundle.
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3 answers

Differences between NoSQL databases

NoSQL term has 4 categories. Key\value stores Document oriented Graph Column oriented. From my point of view all these data modeling has same definition, What are differences? Key\value database maintains data in structure like object in…
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