Questions tagged [baud-rate]

"baud-rate" refers to the number of signal or symbol changes that occur per unit time. This tag is for questions that get, set, or otherwise manipulate the baud rate.

In telecommunications and electronics, baud (/ˈbɔːd/, unit symbol "Bd") means symbols per second or pulses per second. A "symbol" being one of several voltage, frequency, or phase changes.

Thus a "baud-rate" refers to the number of signal or symbol changes that occur over time—most commonly per second. A baud rate differs from a bit-rate in that a single symbol transition (baud) can communicate more than one bit during the interval, whereas a bit rate is a single bit per interval.

This tag is OS and Language independent, as long as there's a mechanism for manipulating the serial data rate this tag can apply.

189 questions
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Serial port baud rate change delay

When setting baud rate of an open serial port, how long shall we wait before baud rate actually changes? I guess this depends on the driver of the port, right? (especially if it's not a real serial port). In this case, is there any way to get an…
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serial port communication with POS from .NET

I am trying to communicate with a cash register through the serial port from a C# app I am building and I have a small utility provided from the manufacturer which gives me some info about the device like firmware version etc. In the protocol…
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Read data off USB at 31250 baud rate

I've got an Arduino board and want to read the data it's spitting off using USB at a custom baud rate. Hacking up some of the code Arduino suggest, I get this C code: int serialport_init(const char* serialport, int baud) { struct termios…
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Change baud rate in C# without closing connection

I have a similar problem to the following link. How to change baud rate without closing the connection?. But i use C# in stead of java. I am beginning with baud rate 300. Then after a hand shake i have to change my baud rate to 4800. I send a…
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Error running 01 46, response: ...UNABLETOCONNECT

Getting the data from OBD II simulator to android application via Bluetooth successfully. Now I am trying get the data from ELM327 device to android application. I have an ELM327 device connected to my Car. Bluetooth connection happens by ECU…
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Unexpected Serial communication using timer interrupt in with ARM 32 bit

My code is for serial communication and led blinking using timer interrupt, where led is toggle at a fix interval of time with some line prints on serial terminal and for fix time i have used timer. Scenario: I am sending data "while" on the serial…
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Baud rate limits in software and serial communication with an external device

I am using a USB port port operating as a virtual COM port to achieve serial communication with an external device using MATLAB or Visual Basic 6. I am facing baud rate limitations depending on the software I use to communicate with the device.…
2 answers

How to efficiently convert baudrate from int to speed_t?

The functions cfsetospeed and cfsetispeed take baud rate as type speed_t: int cfsetispeed(struct termios *termios_p, speed_t speed); int cfsetospeed(struct termios *termios_p, speed_t speed); The type speed_t is basically an integer, but casting is…
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u-blox M8N doesn't save Baudrate and no fw update possible

yesterday I got my "Ublox M8N Module". I bought it at ebay. I connected it with Arduino Uno as USB to Serial Bridge. I can change Baud rate to 115'200, disconnect in Ucenter and connect with 115'200. If I unplug the module from USB, the config is…
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Problems setting baud rate in Matlab

I am trying to increase the baud rate for serial communication to a microcontroller using Matlab and it seems Matlab does not want to cooperate. My very basic setup in Matlab is: s =…
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Baud rate arduino

I am implementing a simple visible light communication module with two arduinos, as transmitter and receiver, with a short text message consisting of 120 characters. I have used Manchester encoding with on-off -keying modulation. Altogether, in my…
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GPS update rate Raspberry pi Jessie Vs. Wheezy

I have scoured the internet to this problem and am unable to find any kind of answer. Here is the gist of the project and what I have done so far Project: Our school participates in sounding rocket competitions. I am in charge of payload and part of…
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Clear data at serial port in Linux in C?

I am testing the sending and receiving programs with the code as The main() function is below: #include "lib.h" int fd; int initport(int fd) { struct termios options; // Get the current options for the port... tcgetattr(fd,…
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3 answers

Changing USB Baud Rate from 9600 to 115200 on Android

I have an Arduino which sends data serially in 115200 baud rate. There is an application that receives data from Arduino in 9600 baud rate. The code is // Arduino USB serial converter setup // Set control line state …
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3 answers

How to Set Baud Rate 28800 Using DCB Structure

Previously I was using CBR_9600 when communicating with 9600 baud devices. But there does not seem to be a CBR_28800 setting. Is it possible to set the baud rate using the DCB structure of 28800?
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