Questions tagged [baud-rate]

"baud-rate" refers to the number of signal or symbol changes that occur per unit time. This tag is for questions that get, set, or otherwise manipulate the baud rate.

In telecommunications and electronics, baud (/ˈbɔːd/, unit symbol "Bd") means symbols per second or pulses per second. A "symbol" being one of several voltage, frequency, or phase changes.

Thus a "baud-rate" refers to the number of signal or symbol changes that occur over time—most commonly per second. A baud rate differs from a bit-rate in that a single symbol transition (baud) can communicate more than one bit during the interval, whereas a bit rate is a single bit per interval.

This tag is OS and Language independent, as long as there's a mechanism for manipulating the serial data rate this tag can apply.

189 questions
13 answers

What is the difference between baud rate and bit rate?

I am really having hard time understanding the difference. Some say they are same, while others say there is a slight difference. What's the difference, exactly? I would like it if you explained with some analogy.
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7 answers

How can I set a custom baud rate on Linux?

I want to communicate over my serial port on Linux to a device with a non-standard-baud rate that is not defined in termios.h. I tried the "baud rate aliasing"-method from this post, but when I execute my C-program (I’ve named it "testprogram"),…
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5 answers

I/O exception error when using

FINAL UPDATE It was our firmware the whole time. Embarrassing to a degree, but I'm happy we can move forward and I can put learning Java off for another day. My answer is below. UPDATE So I have more or less given up on this. I think it is a bug…
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3 answers

How to programmatically find all available Baudrates in C# (serialPort class)

Is there a way to find out all the available baud rates that a particular system supports via C#? This is available through Device Manager-->Ports but I want to list these programmatically.
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3 answers

How to set the baud rate for Macs in a terminal

Is it possible to set the baud rate for Macs in a terminal? If yes, how to set the baud rate in terminal through the terminal? I am trying to talk to the Mac using an Arduino (open source microcontroller), an XBee (wireless communicator) to type in…
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6 answers

How to set baud rate to 307200 on Linux?

Basically I'm using the following code to set the baud rate of a serial port: struct termios options; tcgetattr(fd, &options); cfsetispeed(&options, B115200); cfsetospeed(&options, B115200); tcsetattr(fd, TCSANOW, &options); This works very well.…
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3 answers

Serial programming RS485

I have been tasked with the implementation of the ModBus protocol over a RS485 2-wire system. (Actually it's three wires, A/B and GND). ModBus is not the point though, but the step before that...simple I/O over the interface. I am using the FTDI…
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3 answers

Time to send 32KB over 9600 baud serial?

I'm wondering if my math here is correct. If my baud rate is 9600 then that means 9600 bits are sent every second, right? If so, then: 9600 bit/sec <=> 1000 ms/ 9600 bit = 0.1042 ms/bit So, sending 32KB should take: 32,000*(8+2) bits = 320,000 bits…
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3 answers

Connecting to a STN1110

I'm trying to connect to a STN1110 chip via screen. Unfortunately I only get strange characters as response. My understanding is that this is due to the wrong baud rate. I tried several baud rates I could find for STN1100 (9600, 115200, 38400) but…
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1 answer

Custom baud rate

I am trying to talk with hardware device through virtual COM port. Host computer is PC Windows OS PC. Device is working with 921600 baud rate. This code works: DCB dcb; ... dcb.BaudRate = CBR_115200; SetCommState(hPort, &dcb); Once I change baud…
Alex F
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2 answers

How to change baud rate without closing the connection?

I want to connect to a device that connected to serial port (COM4) with initial baud rate 300, the device can change its baud rate to 9600 with a command, my Java code send this command to device and baud rate of the device changed, but i don't know…
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3 answers

How to change default baud rate of serial monitor in VSCode with PlatformIO?

I have VSCode and PlatformIO plugin. When I start serial monitor it always starts with 9600 baud rate. I'd like to change that, so it always starts with 115200. I can change the baud rate of already running serial monitor by pressing CTRL+T, b,…
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4 answers

C# .Net Serial DataReceived Event response too slow for high-rate data

I have set up a SerialDataReceivedEventHandler, with a forms based program in VS2008 express. My serial port is set up as follows: 115200, 8N1 Dtr and Rts enabled ReceivedBytesThreshold = 1 I have a device I am interfacing with over a BlueTooth, USB…
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1 answer

setting baud rate for UsbDeviceConnection

I am trying to get Android USB host mode to work; but I need to set the baud rate to 56000. I only found this code: UsbDeviceConnection myConnection; myConnection.controlTransfer(0x40, 0x03, 0x4138, 0, null, 0, 0);//baudrate 9600 In the references…
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3 answers

Auto baud rate detect for STM32L0

I can't get auto-baud rate detection to work on the STM32L0. I'm using the hardware abstraction layer (HAL). My initilization code is: /* USART1 init function */ void MX_USART1_UART_Init(void) { huart1.Instance = USART1; huart1.Init.BaudRate…
Flying Swissman
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