Questions tagged [baud-rate]

"baud-rate" refers to the number of signal or symbol changes that occur per unit time. This tag is for questions that get, set, or otherwise manipulate the baud rate.

In telecommunications and electronics, baud (/ˈbɔːd/, unit symbol "Bd") means symbols per second or pulses per second. A "symbol" being one of several voltage, frequency, or phase changes.

Thus a "baud-rate" refers to the number of signal or symbol changes that occur over time—most commonly per second. A baud rate differs from a bit-rate in that a single symbol transition (baud) can communicate more than one bit during the interval, whereas a bit rate is a single bit per interval.

This tag is OS and Language independent, as long as there's a mechanism for manipulating the serial data rate this tag can apply.

189 questions
1 answer

how to configure the port for the baud rate to 9600 using cfsetispeed and tcsetattr command on linux?

I am using the following code now, and I am wondering where it is wrong. struct termios options; int fd = open("/dev/ttyUSB0", O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY | O_NDELAY); fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, 0); tcgetattr(fd, &options); cfsetispeed(&options, B9600); tcsetattr(fd,…
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2 answers

Find the serial port settings in Delphi

Hi I have the need to find the Baud rate and other settings for a serial port, Looking about on the web, it looks like I should be using GetCommConfig, This returns a TCommConfig record with what I assume is the data I need. The problem is the…
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2 answers

App freezes when wrong Baud Rate Selected c#

When I go into the serial settings, the serial connection is closed. If I select the wrong baud rate for the serial coming in the app freezes and I can't even get any debug since it is still working but I am unsure what it is doing. Ultimately, my…
Kyle King
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1 answer

Linux read, write Arduino serial

I'm trying to write to an Arduino serial from a c++ program. How do I set the baudrate in the C++ program? The communication seems to work, when the arduino is set to 9600, but fails when I change it, as expected.(so 9600 is the default?) Using the…
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1 answer

Auto detect budrate serial stm32

IHello :) I have a STM32L031K6 and i use CubeMx; I want some auomatiser my reception function is adding automatic detection of transmission speed (baud rate) how I can do. i not find a code example online how to do it :/ Usart.c…
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1 answer

Non-standard serial baud rate of 62,500 on a PC

I am looking for a way of using a baud rate of 62,500 (8N1) on a windows PC on a serial port or USB->serial adapter to communicate with an older piece of hardware that uses this speed. Can this be done via code or is it a hardware solution?
Bill H
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1 answer erros when trying to access com port with baud rate of 921600

I am trying to access a com port using USB to UART for a throughput test on a device and a requirement of this is a Baud rate of 921600. I am using and a Baud rate of 460800 works just fine. The connection works just fine on TeraTerm at a…
1 answer

Reverse engineering an aircon controller. Need help figuring out a checksum

So I have been reverse engineering my aircon controller from around 2001, It uses a baud rate of 300 and sends the same packet of 6 bytes 3 times per transmission. the data seems straightforward, however i cannot figure out how the last byte is…
Tom Merry
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1 answer

Baud rate of IP network

Since all the devices on the internet talks without a presetting of the baud rate, it seems all of them should have the same baud rate. If so what is the baud rate of devices communicating over internet protocol?
Ginu Jacob
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