Questions tagged [azure-worker-roles]

For questions relating to the Microsoft Azure Worker Role.

For questions relating to the Microsoft Azure Worker Role.

842 questions
2 answers

Unable to call get instance of Windows Azure Cache

Trying to create a new Dedicated Cache Role in Windows Azure but get the NotSupportedException: This operation is not supported by the cache exception every time I run this code. As a summary, here is what I've done... I construct the cache using…
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Diagnostic monitor for 3 roles (Windows Azure)

I'm working on a project with 3 roles (two WebRoles and one WorkerRole) deployed in windows Azure. My problem is when the instances try to start the Diagnostic monitor (for trace). Starting the diagnostic monitor from the WorkerRole works fine, but…
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1 answer

install mysql on Windows Azure via Worker Role

I have created a worker role with following WorkerRole element in ServiceDefinition file. I have copied whole C:\Program Files (x86)\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.5 folder to a folder directly under worker role folder which its name is mysql when I run…
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1 answer

Azure VMs restart unexpectedly

This is a problem is related to worker role hosted VM. I have a simple worker role, which spans a process inside of it. The process spawned is the 32 bit compiled TCPServer application. Worker role has a endpoint defined in it, the TCPserver is…
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Deployment issue with Azure Emulator

I'm trying to run a local instance of an Azure Worker Role for debugging and testing, but for some reason, my Role will not deploy to the Emulator locally, it is saying, "The compute emulator had a error: Found too many .csdef files.." The problem…
Sean Haddy
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Worker Role in Azure working?

I have an application that sends automatic mails via a worker role. When I debug my application in Visual Studio my task that I set OnStart() in the WorkerRole.cs works perfectly, I receive a mail every 5 minutes (for test purposes). My Code in…
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1 answer

Can I set up an internal endpoint to load-balanced worker roles in another deployment in another subscription

Over time I'm planning to have a suite of applications (web roles) each executing in their own deployments within their own subscriptions under an Azure enterprise account. I'd like these applications to call a common HTTP-based API, which I'd…
Glenn Scott
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3 answers

WebRole vs WorkerRole

Hi I am implementing a TCPIP listener in Azure WorkerRole. The WorkerRole listens for incoming TCP data and stores it in Azure Table Storage. Everything is working fine when i do this in Run() of WorkerRole. But when implement the same thing in a…
Anil Maddala
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Migrating WCF as Azure worker role

I have a WCF Service Library which is run as a windows service. I would like to migrate this service as Azure worker role. When I right click on a WCF project, I typically see the option "Add Windows Azure Deployment Project". With my WCF library, I…
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Is there any issue with resending a message back to the Azure queue

I've got a scheduler and some workers in Azure. The scheduler puts messages into a queue and the workers pull those messages and work on them. I've now just come into a scenario where I will need to move some data from table storage to our database…
Justin williams
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1 answer

What are my options to run .Net Core App 24 X 7 in Azure

What are my options in Azure where my App should be up & Running 24 X 7 ? The app is intended to receive events. I don't need Invokable URL to receive the event, it is happening inside the code itself.
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1 answer

Worker role with java example in Azure

I couldn't find any good example of a worker role for java on azure cloud. I am writing an amqp publisher jms application for event hubs to simulate large amount of data as a stream. I wanted to run this application on cloud and scale it to produce…
tariq zafar
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1 answer

Using SendGrid in Azure worker role

Can someone tell me if SendGrid can be used in a Azure worker role project which does not use .net core? It would also be good to know what is better for using sendgrid for notifications. Worker role or web job or Azure functions? While trying to…
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1 answer

Azure WebRole or Worker Role or Logic App or WebJobs

I'm trying to migrate a number of solutions into Azure. The solutions consist of multiple projects but the projects come down to three basic types: ASP.NET MVC/WebForms Application ASP.NET WebApi Application .Net Windows Services (We have a large…
1 answer

ffmpeg in worker role wont close the window

I am trying the below code in the worker role, but the issue i feel in exeProcess.WaitForExit(); line, it pops up…
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