Questions tagged [azure-worker-roles]

For questions relating to the Microsoft Azure Worker Role.

For questions relating to the Microsoft Azure Worker Role.

842 questions
1 answer

View console of spawned native executable in azure remote login

I have a native exe, that is spawned by worker role of azure. When I remote login to cloud I dont find the console of exe. But process is running in background. How can I enable that. var myProcess = new Process() { StartInfo = new…
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Exception when updating message content in a cloud queue

I'm getting an exception when trying to update a message on a cloud queue. The exception is: System.ArgumentNullException was unhandled Message=Value cannot be null. Parameter name: messageId Source=Microsoft.WindowsAzure.StorageClient …
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2 answers

Will this code work to keep 2 seperate Azure worker instances from performing an action at the same time?

I am adding a simple worker process to an underutilized Azure web role. I have this web role running on 2 instances for reliability/uptime. This worker process was to be set to sleep for around 5 min before performing an action and then sleeping…
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What is Worker role translate to on the machine

I am having difficulty finding info about what Worker role actually is. For example Web role is an web application that is automatically deployed and configured in IIS. You can see the application files in IIS. Where can I see the Worker…
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Azure Cloud Service Billing Use Case

I was hoping I'd be able to find Azure billing 'use cases' somewhere on the MS site or on StackOverflow. Maybe I'm being paranoid but I'm trying to be certain before I tell a customer that it'll cost $XXX.00 to move his app to Azure. I've got an…
1 answer

Automating App Deployment in Azure with LocalResource

I'm currently attempting to automate the deployment of an application to an Azure Worker role by pulling a file into the role from blob storage and working with it via a batch script, also located in blob storage. I'm using onStart to accomplish…
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Apply configuration to worker role instances from web role

Good day, I would like to ask a conceptual question that has been tearing my mind for a while. There is no right or wrong answer here, probably, but I hope to get better understanding of my options. Situation: I have a Windows Azure Application. It…
2 answers

Wake up Windows Azure worker role

What is the best way to handle 'urgent' messages in a Windows Azure Worker role? I have a worker role that starts, does an infinite while(true) loop and in this loop: reads to see if the queue has messages processes them and deletes them if there…
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Clustering in node.js fails in azure emulator or azure vm with EBADF

This classic cluster example: var cluster = require('cluster'); var http = require('http'); var numCPUs = require('os').cpus().length; if (cluster.isMaster) { // Fork workers. for (var i = 0; i < numCPUs; i++) { cluster.fork(); } …
Yaniv Kessler
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Inconsistent accessibility: field type

I am trying to connect to CRM 2011 on premise from windows azure worker role through WCF web services. I have created a WCF webservice. But while running the application it is showing error as "Inconsistent accessibility: field type…
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Windows azure wasabi

When i have created a Windows azure project that used wasabi 'AutoScaling' feature, i have got the below exception, also i have configured the app.config file.: Exception: "Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.WindowsAzure.StorageClient,…
1 answer

sql azure batch size

Have some employee segmentation tasks that result in a large number of records (about 2000) that needs to be inserted into SQL Azure. The records themselves are very small about 4 integers. A Azure worker role performs the segmentation task and…
2 answers

DbContext Errors in Azure Worker Role when using Unity

I have an Azure worker role with a UnitOfWork class that looks something like this: public class UnitOfWork : IUnitOfWork { public MyData Db { get; private set; } public ILoginRepository LoginRepository { get; private set; } public…
1 answer

Install MySql on Windows Azure (using Eclipse)

I created a Web Role to install PHP by using Web Plaform Installer (goes well without problem) and I use Eclipse to create a Worker Role to install MySql. Eclipse creates Mysql_WorkerRole.dll (amoung others). following is my .csdef file
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1 answer

Azure: Deploying a Ruby on Rails app in the Cloud

I've just completed an automation script that: downloads a project build to local storage (worker role) installs ruby, apache, and other dependencies configures apache and the RoR application to serve requests via port 81 This is all working…