Questions tagged [azure-worker-roles]

For questions relating to the Microsoft Azure Worker Role.

For questions relating to the Microsoft Azure Worker Role.

842 questions
4 answers

In Windows Azure: What are web role, worker role and VM role?

The application I work on contains a web role: it's a simple web application. I needed to host the application in Windows Azure, so I created a web role. I actually want to know what these roles are for. What is their significance coding wise or…
3 answers

Worker Role vs Web Job

From what I understand both run small repeatable tasks in the cloud. What reasons and in what situations might I want to choose one over the other?
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11 answers

Visual Studio not finding my Azure subscriptions

I have a working Azure account with various services already running. I receive monthly bills for these. Now, I created a workerrole in Visual Studio that I want to deploy. I get the "Publish Windows Azure Application" screen that asks me to sign…
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13 answers

Role instances are taking longer than expected to start - Is there a new solution to this problem?

I've rebooted my computer 50-100 times this week. I find I can start / deploy locally usually 3-4 times before getting this message: "Windows Azure Tools for Microsoft Visual Studio Role instances are taking longer than expected to start. Do you…
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2 answers

FTP to Azure Blob Storage

I had to setup secure FTP to Azure Blob Storage using popular FTP clients (like FileZilla, for example). After doing lot of research, I came across a link that says: Deployed in a worker role, the code creates an FTP server that can accept…
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4 answers

Multiple roles on the same instance in Windows Azure

Is it possible to deploy multiple roles in the same instance? I have three web roles (website in mvc3, and two WCF services instances) and two worker roles (windows services). The load for this application is very small, so I don't want to…
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1 answer

Using QueueClient.OnMessage in an azure worker role

I have an Azure worker role that is responsible for checking 4 service bus queues. Currently, I just the looping method to manually check the queues. while(true) { //loop through my queues to check for messages } With the Azure SDK 2.0 came the…
4 answers

Run multiple WorkerRoles per instance

I have several WorkerRole that only do job for a short time, and it would be a waste of money to put them in a single instance each. We could merge them in a single one, but it'd be a mess and in the far future they are supposed to work…
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1 answer

Why is Azure Add > Worker role project in solution … greyed out in VS2010?

I have a C# .Net 4 class library that I think I have set up to be an Azure Worker Role, i.e. the class implements Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ServiceRuntime.RoleEntryPoint and has a Run() and an OnStart() method. However when I right-click on the Roles…
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6 answers

How to upload a folder to Blob Storage?

I have a worker role that I use to pull data down from Blob Storage OnStart. Currently I'm testing this by uploading a test.txt file and then downloading it to a local directory. This is working fine. I now would like to upload a folder to blob…
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3 answers

azure role not starting after windows update 10February

After installation of windows update on 10th February 2016, the azure roles are not starting in emulator (Full/Express). The logs show below [00005748:00006624, 2016/02/14, 12:03:24.391, FATAL] Role process exited with exit code of…
2 answers

How do cscfg files and App.config files relate to one another for Azure Worker Roles?

In the "on premise" world, when creating an application like a Windows Service I'd classically use an App.config file to store a variety of configuration information about the application, from database connection strings to WCF endpoint…
Paul Turner
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3 answers

Azure Cloud Service role instances - auto-scaling - Changing event not firing

I got a Cloud Service deployment with 4 worker roles, one of which got auto-scaling enabled. As soon as auto-scaling occurs, all instances of all roles are recycling. Ideally, I'd like to stop the roles from recycling or at least terminate the work…
Ben Sch
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5 answers

Using SignalR in Azure Worker Roles

I have an Azure hosted web application which works alongside a number of instances of a worker role. Currently the web app passes work to these workers by placing messages in an Azure queue for the workers to pick up. The workers pass status and…
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5 answers

Error while deserializing Azure ServiceBus Queue message sent from node.js (azure sdk)

Here's my scenario: I'm sending an Azure ServiceBus Queue message from Node.js using the node azure sdk like so: var message = { body: JSON.stringify({ foo: 'Bar' }) }; serviceBusService.sendQueueMessage('myQueue', message, function (error) { …
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