Questions tagged [azure-worker-roles]

For questions relating to the Microsoft Azure Worker Role.

For questions relating to the Microsoft Azure Worker Role.

842 questions
4 answers

In Azure, Where should I store physical files that need to be accessed by a Worker Role?

In Azure, Where should I store physical files that need to be accessed by a Worker Role? In my case I would normally store these particular files in my Web Role's App_Data folder but I don't believe that Worker Roles can access that folder.
David P
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1 answer

does multiple Azure worker role polling same Queue causes Dead Lock or Poison message

Scenario: if I've spin off multiple Worker roles or ONE Worker role with multiple threads, which polls the new messages in Azure Queue. Could someone please confirm if the this the correct design approach? The reason I would like to have many worker…
Nil Pun
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5 answers

How do I debug a Worker Role using Remote Desktop with Windows Azure?

I now have my Windows Azure environment set up so that I can access my Worker Role with Remote Desktop. However, I'm not sure how to proceed at the moment. After much digging I found a web site that was offline but in Google's cache there was…
Robert Oschler
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1 answer

High CPU Azure Worker Role

so this is a fairly broad question but have run out of ideas. We are currently running 2 worker role instances that does the following : Monitors and processes IoT Hub events by spawning N threads for each batch. Monitors and processes…
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3 answers

Error while publishing worker role in VS 2013: There was an error reflecting type 'Microsoft.Cct.AzureDiagnostics.ObjectModel.PublicConfig'

I am getting error while publishing worker role from Visual Studio 2013 with update 5. When i select worker role project and click on publish, it is showing me below error on pop up window and i am not able to move ahead: There was an error…
2 answers

Restarting Azure Worker role "WaWorkerHost.exe" manually

As I understand Azure Worker roles run by the help of Host application called WaWorkerHost.exe and there is another application called WaHostBootstrapper.exe which checks if WaWorkerHost.exe is running and if not it will run the WaWorkerHost.exe.…
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3 answers

Azure API The server failed to authenticate the request

I have a task ( I tried with worker role and to upload a console app and run the .exe) that should run once a day and gather Azure Metrics of some of my VMs. This works flawlessly locally but on a cloud service I get this Error: Unhandled…
1 answer

Facading Azure storage blob with sFTP service

We have a requirement to create large (1G-16G) row data reports compress and encrypt them. Our customers will consume those reports over sFTP. We are replacing an existing implementation so our customer should get this change transparently. Azure…
Haim Raman
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2 answers

Role cannot be reached by the host system Azure- WorkerRole

I'm using the Worker Role machines (Medium -> 2 Cores with 3,5 GB of Ram) to do massive work, and I'm able to use 100% of the CPU (of both cores) and 85% of RAM. During this work, each takes around 20 minutes/ 40 minutes the Azure thinks the machine…
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1 answer

Azure Diagnostics not working in my Worker Role

I'm trying to get trace logs for my worker role in windows azure but it's not working and cannot see any error. I've configured my application to use azure diagnostics as explained here:…
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2 answers

How do I restart instances on the local Azure Emulator?

I'm working on a worker role failover solution and I need to be able to test and debug the failover mechanism by shutting down or restarting instances as well as creating new ones. How do I restart or shutdown specific instances on the local Azure…
Jonas Stawski
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3 answers

Multiple worker roles on the same instance

How can I setup Windows Azure to multiple worker roles is running on the same instance? Is it possible?
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1 answer

Prevent unhandled exceptions from tearing down Azure worker role

We have an Azure worker role that runs a heavily async workload, with lots of completions on IO threads and the like. Occasionally, unhandled exceptions occur on async callbacks that we don't own. This in turn causes the role to fail. In non-Azure…
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2 answers

Azure Roles and Instances

Can I have a Web Role and a Worker role run on the same instance, or do I have to obtain 2 separate hosting instances and pay twice the amount I would otherwise? I have a WCF Web API that I want to host on Azure. I also have a Worker Role that…
Anup Marwadi
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2 answers

How do I host an Azure worker role locally/on premise?

Some background.... We're venturing into Azure for the first time and are trying to do it in baby steps. For now, our first apps are going to be worker roles monitoring queues to process requests (such as sending an email or performing some screen…
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