Questions tagged [azure-compute-emulator]

Used to test the service locally before you deploy the service to Windows Azure. Usually run with Azure Storage Emulator

95 questions
3 answers

Windows Azure Compute Emulator Error

I have Azure SDK 1.6, WIF, Nuget 1.5, Azure Mobile Toolkik, Visual Studio Ultimate 2010 sp1, Windows Phone SDK 7.1 and many other latest sdk. I tried two sample, the Tweet your blob from azure toolkit for wp7, and the following very basic sample…
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4 answers

How to detect that azure application is running in development fabric?

How can I reliability detect whether my Azure application is running in development fabric and not in 'the cloud' ? RoleEnvironment.IsAvailable is true for both. I want something that is true in only one case. I'm asking this because I want users of…
Muhammad Hasan Khan
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3 answers

azure role not starting after windows update 10February

After installation of windows update on 10th February 2016, the azure roles are not starting in emulator (Full/Express). The logs show below [00005748:00006624, 2016/02/14, 12:03:24.391, FATAL] Role process exited with exit code of…
4 answers

How can I determine if I am running locally on my PC or on the cloud?

Using MVC3 and I'd like to determine if I am running locally or deployed to the cloud?
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How to run Azure 2.2 project after installing Azure SDK 2.5

After installing Azure SDK 2.5 (side by side with 2.4 and 2.2), I cannot run my 2.2 projects locally. I'm getting the following error: Windows Azure Tools: Error: The installed Microsoft Azure Compute Emulator does not support the role binaries.…
rony l
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Azure - 2x extra small or a single small instance

Starting out with Windows Azure, but how do I know which is better to handle web-traffic and a background processor. Would 2x extra small instances be better or a single small instance. If I were to use a small instance, I would make the background…
Jason Jong
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2 answers

Disable WindowsAzure.ServiceRuntime verbose output

When I run my Azure project I get every 20 seconds or so this message in my output: Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ServiceRuntime Verbose: 500 : Role instance status check starting Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ServiceRuntime Verbose: 502 : Role instance status…
John Bauer
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1 answer

How can I test changing Azure service configuration settings at runtime locally?

I am writing our Azure app to use Azure service configuration settings so we can change it in real time. I can test it by deploying and then changing them in the Azure web portal. How do I allow changing service configuration in real time on my…
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How to run application in azure emulator in development mode without visual studio

I need to involve some markup and javascript people to help development team on azure MVC project. Essentially what I need is for each person to run a local instance of the azure application to be able to make changes to content files…
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2 answers

How do I deduce path to Azure SDK csrun.exe conveniently?

I have some problems with Azure Compute Emulator not restarting properly. To resolve this I want to add csrun /devfabric:stop call to a pre-build step in Visual Studio solution. The problem is csrun.exe is located in C:\Program Files\Windows Azure…
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3 answers

I cannot start Azure Diagnostic Monitor

I'm trying to test the Azue diagnostic monitor in a cloud solution with a single application. I get an exception every time I try to start the diagnostics monitor: CloudStorageAccount account =…
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Azure Functions - can't be invoked from Azure WebJobs SDK

So I've been trying to create a simple azure function, that would be an http trigger "CreateUser". I did an other http trigger to simplify what's wrong, it looks fairly simple : using System.Net; using System.Net.Http; using…
Pierre Lartigau
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1 answer

Automated deployment to Azure Emulator?

How can I automate a deployment to Azure Compute Emulator? We're going down the path of setting up internal QA environments to "host" our Azure apps for testing and have decided to try to do this via the Azure Compute Emulator. (For now, we're using…
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2 answers

What are the limitations of the Azure Development Fabric?

I've been reading around and it seems that there are some differences between the dev fabric and a production windows azure cloud fabric but nowhere can I find a list of what is capable on the dev fabric and what isn't compared to the cloud fabric.…
Steven Evers
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1 answer

How can I debug multiple Azure roles in the Compute Emulator simultaneously?

I have a WCF service and a WorkerRole that I need to run at the same time. However, I can only set one of them as the StartUp project. What could be done?
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