Questions tagged [azure-static-website-hosting]

31 questions
3 answers

What is the difference between Azure Static Web App and Azure blob storage static website?

What is the difference between Azure blob storage static website and Azure Static Web Apps
1 answer

How do I pass "x-ms-client-principal" in Azure Static Website Hosting (Preview) when running locally?

I'm trying out the new Azure Static Website Hosting Preview and when running locally, the Azure functions aren't receiving the "x-ms-client-principle" header in the req binding object. My routes file looks like: { "routes": [ { "route":…
Orion Adrian
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1 answer

How to configure A type record Or IP address to static website in Azure

I created a html page and placed in Azure blob storage. After I created an endpoint and configured it in GoDaddy DNS as a CNAME. But what value do i need to configure for A value in GoDaddy. I created a CNAME record with DNS provider. I used example…
1 answer

Azure Static Websites encoding apostrophes and other characters in a weird way

Here's what this text looks like when I load the HTML locally in Chrome: On the contrary, here's what it looks like rendered after I publish to Azure Static Websites: Apostrophes, quotations, and other characters are being rendered as some weird…
Ali Bdeir
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1 answer

Azure App Service Static Website routes.json doesn't work

I deployed my static website (React app) to Azure App Service with routes.json to enable HTML5 routing fallback. My routes json is located in /public and is available under URL { "routes": [ { …
0 answers

Static blazor web assembly with secure azure functions backend

So I have been looking at the video describing the static website/serverless architecture with blazor. I felt really inspired to create something like this. Unfortunately, I cannot find a decent source for how to actually authenticate against the…
1 answer

Deploy ReactJs Azure Static Web App based on Azure DevOps git repo via Azure CLI

I'm actually working on the Continuous Delivery pipeline for the UI project made in ReactJs with the use of the Azure Static Web App. I want to create and deploy the static web app to Azure based on the git repo located in Azure DevOps. The reason…
1 answer

CI/CD for a Blazor web

I want to set up CI/CD for a Blazor web client application project to copy the contents to an Azure blob storage. Below are the CI tasks - task: VSBuild@1 displayName: 'Build MyBlazor Web' inputs: solution: ./MyBlazorWeb/MyBlazorWeb.sln …
1 answer

Azure Blob Storage CDN Asked for favicon.ico when none exists?

How can favicon.ico be served to browsers making requests to a public Blob Storage Container? For a publicly-accessible Container at, a CDN endpoint was created and SSL cert attached so anyone can get to blobs at…
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1 answer

Using Microsoft Blob Storage Static Website, and a CDN with Custom Domain; how does one use non www?

I have been developing several static websites which I host as blob storage static websites. I then use Azure CDN with custom domains. While this works when I use www. with my custom domain, it does not work without it. For example…
Tom McClean
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1 answer

Protect Static Html Files Website in IIS with Basic Authentication

I have a simple Intranet Website that is just a few HTML pages with a little JavaScript and CSS. If Allow Anonymous is ON, everyone can see it. It works. In IIS, I turn on Basic Authentication and it only partially works as expected. The company…
2 answers

Static web site on Storage Account & App Service

I've a conceptual question about Static web site on Storage Account & App Service. My team have develop an Angular10 + ASP.NET Core (API) application. Our frontend (Angular10) only consumes our API , so the availability of our app depends on the…
0 answers

How can I enforce WWW when users try to access the root domain for a static website / CDN with Azure

As the title describes, I am having trouble enforcing a rule to redirect requests to access to For example, if a user were to type in their URL Bar, "" they will be warned by their browser, and in…
0 answers

Azure ARM template - Enable Static website for AZure storage account

Is there a way to enable static website option for Azure storage account using ARM templates? Any advise would be of great help! Thanks!
1 answer

How can I log trace information from an Azure Static Website?

I have a JavaScript website deployed into an Azure Storage Account (Static Website) and I would like to log debug information (somewhere). For example, when a user logs in, I would like to track them around the site and print user…
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