Questions tagged [azure-pipelines-build-task]

Questions on extending the Visual Studio Team Services Build and Release Management system through extensions and custom tasks.

Build task for Visual Studio Team Services which enables you to extend the VSTS build system with your own custom tasks.

msdn: add-build-task

884 questions
3 answers

Azure DevOps Pipelines "Waiting for console output from an agent..."

I require something from the output of a running release task in order for it to complete (an authenticate code). But the console is now not updating. All I get is "Waiting for console output from an agent..." This happens on both our self-hosted…
3 answers

How to publish Jest Unit Test Results in VSTS tests?

I've found some questions on SO specific to version for jest unit test to publish its result in VSTS build Test Results tab. But no proper solution is found.
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12 answers

Azure Web App deploy: Web Deploy cannot modify the file on the destination because it is locked by an external process

I am using the "Azure Web App Deployment" build step in VSTS to publish an ASP.NET Core API to an Azure Web App: Occasionally, this step breaks with the following error: [error]Microsoft.Web.Deployment.DeploymentDetailedClientServerException: …
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Visual Studio Team Services - edit link settings

I just noticed on Visual Studio Build task the following: To have parameters for common settings such as the solution file seems like a good idea to me, given that some parameters are used in more than 1 task... But I honestly don't like to use…
1 answer

Azure Pipeline Publish: task DotNetCoreCLI with specific folder or project

I'm having a problem (unwanted behavior) when running an Azure Build Pipeline with the following project/folder structure. My repository's root folder has two main folders: frontend (ASP.Net Core 2.x & Angular 7 project) backend (ASP.Net Core…
2 answers

Azure pipeline does't allow to git push throwing 'GenericContribute' permission is needed

I'm trying push some changes done during Azure pipeline using cmd component as follows, steps: - script: | git config git config "your name" git diff git add . git commit -m "version update [skip…
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How to specify Solution file in Azure DevOps Pipeline

I am having trouble configuring an Azure DevOps Dotnet core build process. I have a simple dotnet core project which I am attempting to build in an Azure DevOps environment. The project is in a subfolder within my repo, but I cannot figure out how…
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How to set and read user environment variable in Azure DevOps Pipeline?

I have some test automation code that reads some values from an environment variable stored on my local machine, like this: Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SAUCE_USERNAME", EnvironmentVariableTarget.User); I'm trying to use Azure Pipelines to…
4 answers

VS Test failing in Pipelines with missing 'Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk'

I'm getting a failed builds due to the Visual Studio Test step failing in my Build Pipeline. I have a simple .NET Core v2.1 class library and associated MS Test library. I have 2 steps in my pipeline: A .NET Core build step, and A Visual Studio…
3 answers

How to publish artifacts separately for each project in solution from VSTS CI pipeline?

In my solution, I have two projects (a MVC and a Windows Service). I want to create CI/CD pipeline to deploy web application and windows service on different VMs. But to achieve this my CI pipeline should be able to publish artifacts…
4 answers

Azure Pipelines: I am getting fatal: could not read Username for '': terminal prompts disabled

I have powershell task configured in azure build pipelines to merge changes from dev into master of my github public repo and push changes to master. I am getting fatal: could not read Username for '': terminal prompts…
2 answers

Removing unnecessary parameters from VSTS task group

I have a task group which contains besides other tasks the Azure Key Vault task and the Azure Resource Group Deployment task. In the latter I want to override some parameters in the ARM template with values which come from the key vault. The Secrets…
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What is the difference between Copy Files vs Publish Artifact task in VSTS?

In my Copy Files task, I am copying the required files to the file share location from which I will be doing the deployment. What is the use of publishing artifact step? Or it is obsolete in my case. I am confused about the what values should be put…
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Increment variable value in TFS build +1

I have a Microsoft Visual Studio Team Foundation Server (Version 15.117.26714.0) with predefined variable $(ProjectBuildNumber). Is there any way to increment, during build process, value of variable with minor build number by…
2 answers

How to share file(s) between YAML Stages in Azure DevOps

I am trying to deploy my node.js code to Azure Function App using Azure DevOps. I have created the following Azure DevOps pipeline using YAML. The problem I am facing is that on the deploy step, my pipeline is failing because it is not able to find…
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