Questions tagged [azure-static-website-hosting]

31 questions
1 answer

Azure Devops: Credentials error with deploy of Static Web Site to Azure Blob Storage

Tasks are delete the blob storage then upload the built Jekyll site. Output Error Code: [1] Error: Azure login failed Script failed with error: Get Token request returned http error: 401 and server response:…
0 answers

How to disable directory listing on Azure BLOB Static Website?

Hi I am hosting a website on Azure BLOB Storage as a static website. When I visit the site and inspect elements, I am able to see all my assets. Is it possible to disable directory listing so it does not show all my files and source codes? What is…
1 answer

PICO-8 Export Command in a GitHub CI/CD Pipeline

I'm working a small PICO-8 game that I am embedding into my website. There's an export command I use to create the game files for the web player, but I can only run this command locally in the PICO-8 application. Is there any support to run this…
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Cloudflare redirect all traffic to root (Azure Static Site)

I have a temporary website setup using a Static Website in Azure Storage that simply has an index.html page. I have my domain name and am using Cloudflare to broker the traffic between the domain name and Azure. My question is, if…
0 answers

Azure static website with authorization and authentication

I want to host a static website on azure so I thought of using azure storage static website. I also want to add an authentication, so not sure on how to do that, basically I want a user name and password to be hard coded so if user enters that…
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Set/access env vars for React app hosted on Azure static website

I have a react app hosted as a static website on azure blob storage, I need to set some variables based on the environment (like production, test, etc.) I tried using the metadata section in the azure container for that and use it like this…
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Adding SSL to Azure Blob Static Site

I created a Static Site in Azure Blob storage and hosted my angular application. The https is working fine when I access the root site. When I access any route, I get an https error. It says the site is suspicious. How can I fix this issue? Does…
wonderful world
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How to do Azure Static website AD Authentication using MSAL

MSAL Authentication with Azure AD happening with react application by adding the redirect URI (in app registration of Azure AD) inside add platform as Single page application like 'http://localhost:3000'.How to do this MSAL Authentication with…
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Emails are not reaching in microsoft azure hosted website

We have hosted our website on the Microsoft Azure platform. We created a new contact us form. From the contact us form, the mails are not reaching the mail id it is directed to after uploading our site. We have tested it from our test-site and it is…
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"The requested content does not exist." 404 error with an Angular Static Website (Azure)

I have an Azure Storage Account where I've enabled Static Website. I have released and deployed my Angular website through the Azure Devops pipeline onto the storage account. I have done this before, and the same error occurred. When adding the…
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How do I re-write a URL to remove the .html extension on an Azure Static Website using the Rules Engine for Azure CDN?

I am wondering how I can rewrite my URL using windows Azure default rules engine. I have a static website set up on Azure, but am having a difficult time finding actual examples and documentation on how to use the rewrite…
1 answer

Why Azure Devops File Copy static website not copying to root?

I have a problem deploying my angular app to Azure storage static website. I created a CI/CD pipeline last year, I was using it for months. There was no deployment in the past few months, and with today's deployment I ran into some problems. The…
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Azure Devops set max-age on index.html in Azure storage with Azure CDN on static web site

So, I don't want my index.html on my static vue.js app to always be cached because of updates. I can set max-age in the storage explorer manually. I have a Azure CDN set up for this site, which I purge after every deploy, but I don't think this will…
0 answers

Azure CDN Verizon Standard can't see rules engine and need to forward http to https

I have a static web site hosted on blob storage in Azure. I create an Azure CDN profile using Verizon standard account. I need to forward http requests to https automatically. I see a bunch of articles showing how ot do this with the rules engine…
Dave Wade
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how to get info about user visited statistics on azure static website?

I have a personal portfolio website that I have hosted on azure as an azure static website. Now I just wanted to know is there anyone visited my website or not. How can i do that. Thanks
Tayeb Himel
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