Questions tagged [azure-resource-group]

225 questions
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deleting a specific value from a document in azure cosmos db nosql

In azure , when I have creating Resource Group, putting the resource group name (RG1,RG2,etc.,) in my cosmos db in an array as follows, "id": "resourceGroup", "rgValues": { "name": [ "RG1", "RG2"]} If I want to…
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How to use a DocumentDB(MongoDB) connection string as an Environment variable in an Azure Resource Management Template

I want to use a DocumentDB(MongoDB) connection string as an environment variable in an Azure Resource Management Template. Forexample i have a resource group which has a wep app and a DocumentDB(MongoDB) database. "siteConfig": { …
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Set Azure Reserved IP on cloud service via powershell

as said in the title, I can't assign an IP to my cloud service. I've followed a lot of forums and StackOverflow articles/posts but I've still the issue. When I try to run Set-AzureReservedIPAssociation -ReservedIPName primosguardo365reservedip…
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Creating a loop to create a new resource group in Powershell

I need to create a loop that will check if a resource group name is taken or not, and if not create a new resource group with that name. This is the code I used to try and complete this do { $rg = Read-Host -Prompt "What would you like to name…
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Move Azure resources to another subscription using Powershell

I am attempting to move a resource group (that contains a VM with its dependant resources e.g. network interface etc) to a new subscription and resource group. (the move works fine if done via the GUI) My Script: foreach ($resource in $resources)…
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Azure Resource Manager: attach VHD to a VM during provisioning?

I'm trying to attach an existing VHD disk from a Storage Account to VM during Azure Resource manager provisioning with a template. My dataDisk resource is: "dataDisks": [ { "name": "jmdisk", "diskSizeGB": "100", "lun": 0, …
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does a tag on azure resource group gets applied to resources inside the resource group

I have a query on azure resource tagging. I have a resource group with some resources inside it. If I apply a tag on the resource group, does the same tag get applied to the resources inside that resource group? Or do I need to apply tag on each…
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While deleting vm in Azure, last status that I get is 'Deleting' and that too in provisioningState field. How to get 'Deleted' status?

I am using Java api (azure-compute:version 0.9.0) to perform VM operation. I want to make sure cloud operation on VM is performed successfully. I am getting some issue in Delete operation. While beginDeleting(async) VM, I get Future and status in…
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Is there any way to get Virtual Machine object by just instance name without resource Group in AzureRm in java API?

VirtualMachineGetResponse get(String resourceGroupName, String vmName) throws IOException, ServiceException, URISyntaxException; From VirtualMachineGetResponse, I can get VirtualMachine. Is there any way to get VirtualMachine object by just giving…
Rishi Anand
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How can I get the resource group name from within Service Fabric on Microsoft Azure

My service can be placed on different resource groups, but needs to know the name of the resource group in order to request information about the VM Scale Sets it's running on. How do I get the name of the Resource Group which the Fabric is in from…
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BUG:: Azure Resource Groups Validation Rules NOT WORKING

[First of all, it is very sad that BizSpark susbcription do not have any technical support, even to inform a error like this :-((( ] Ok, well , the error, that occurs twice creating a VirtualMachine, so replicated: { "error": { "code":…
2 answers

Automatically generated region certificate in Azure

In Azure portal when I get the list of all resource I can see a machine-generated resource of type Microsoft.Web/certificates which I (as Admin) cant view the details. At what point does this resource gets created and is this region specific? The…
2 answers

Architecture Resources in Azure Resource Manager

We are developing applications in .Net and deploying them to Azure app services. We currently have a multi-tier environment (QA/STG/PROD). In order to replicate the same environments we are using slots. However, the issue with slots is all…
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Azure Resource Group: Run sql script for SQL Database

I am working on Azure Resource Group. I managed to deploy sql database to azure. However, I cannot figure out the way to run sql script during the deployment process for that database. Anyone knows how to do it?
Kim Hoang
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Azure network setup virtual network resource group address space

Can anyone suggest the best approach, I want a site to site vpn between my azure subscription and my on-premise newtork ( I want to use the subnet in azure I want to use multiple resource groups and some subnets within each…
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