Questions tagged [autocomplete]

Autocomplete is a UI feature provided by applications, where the program predicts a word or phrase that the user wants to type without the user actually typing it completely.

Autocomplete is a user interface feature provided by applications, where the program predicts a word or phrase that the user wants to type without the user actually typing it completely.

It is provided by many web browsers, e-mail programs, search engine interfaces, source code editors, database query tools, word processors, and command line interpreters.

15827 questions
4 answers

Auto-completion for names against a SQL database

I have a text field in my web app where I want to do auto-completion (e.g. the user types "St" and I can suggest "Steve"). The names I'm matching against are in a SQL database table of users. My question is, how can I make this happen in a way…
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1 answer

EditText with history

I want to show the history of text introduced in a TextView. It should be something similar to the search bar on google play: By the moment I'm using an AutoCompleteTextView with android:completionThreshold="1", but I would like to don't need to…
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2 answers

Subversion Repository Autocomplete

When entering something like svn checkout file:///var/svn/repos/my-projects I can use to autocomplete up to repos/ but after that I can't. I know that Subversion's files in the repository don't mirror a standard directory structure so that is…
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1 answer

How to perform auto-completion queries in background?

I'm very excited of emacs auto-completion mode. But my codebase is big, and sometimes, when i type, and it tries to ssuggest a completion, it searchs through all possible words, and hangs. It is very annoying. Is there a way to run the search in…
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2 answers

How do I get Eclipse to show me a method's signature while typing?

Basically I have code completion working (to the best of my knowledge that it 'works') in Eclipse, but it's not nearly as good as what Visual Studio has. I have it set to call auto-complete when ( is pressed, but doing this does not show a list of…
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1 answer

Make ADT Code Assist work like Xcode autocomplete

Is there a way to setup ADT such that the "Code assist" / autocomplete kicks in as soon as I start typing, without having to press Ctrl + Spacebar? Basically, I'm an iOS developer starting out with Android, and I've gotten very used to the way Xcode…
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2 answers

Objective-C class method: dot syntax and 'class property'

While programming for iOS I encountered the following scenario: I have a singleton class with a class method + (Store*)sharedStore. When I want to call an instance method on the singleton object, I can use dot syntax to get that object, i.e.…
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6 answers

how to get which character is get deleted on backspace in android

I am working with android 2.2. How to know which character is get deleted on backspace when editing text in custom auto complete in android. public boolean onKeyUp(int keyCode,KeyEvent msg){ if(keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DEL) { …
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5 answers

Disable autocomplete on Android

I have an app built in HTML5 and wrapped in PhoneGap .. I want to disable Android's autocomplete (Of the keyboard) when starting the application, how can I do this? Thanks in advance My PhoneGap Manifest.xml:
Hodaya Shalom
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1 answer

Combining a local source and remote source in jquery ui autocomplete

I included locally in javascript a list of commonly used terms, and then I would also like to get json response from the server through ajax response. How can it be done? var projects = ["apple", "orange"]; $('#search').autocomplete({ source:…
2 answers

Browser based Javascript/CSS editor with autocomplete

Is anyone aware of a browser based editor that has autocomplete for Javascript and CSS? I know of typescript (, but want something a little more complete.
Deepanjan Nag
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3 answers

ICSharpCode.TextEditor - KeyDown problem

I'm trying to create an auto-complete function for the ICSharpCode.TextEditor. But the fileTabs_KeyDown doesn't recognize Enter/Backspace/Tab/... I tried to add a new KeyEventHandler to the active editor but that doesn't call my KeyDown…
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1 answer

Modifying auto complete feature in Sublime text 2

I write a lot of prose and also transcribe interviews. I have come across the auto complete feature in sublime text 2 and its awesomely fast but the word suggestions are based on the current file. All I want is to write/use a plugin so that the…
Anunay Inuganti
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1 answer

XPages Type Ahead fails while loading suggestions

We are using an inputText XPages control with Type Ahead for auto-completion. When typing in the search field, no suggestions appear. We have a list of comma-separated suggestions set in the Type Ahead properties pane, and the suggestions separator…
2 answers

How to make the yasnippet as the auto-complete backend?

I want to make the yasnippet as the backend of the auto-complete. However, it doesn't work. what I do after searched the internet is as follows: get the auto-complete-yasnippet.el, add some elisp in the .emacs like this: (add-to-list 'load-path …
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