Questions tagged [type-ahead]

Typeahead is a feature of computers and software (and some typewriters) that enables users to continue typing regardless of program or computer operation—the user may type in whatever speed he or she desires, and if the receiving software is busy at the time it will be called to handle this later.

Typeahead is a feature of computers and software (and some typewriters) that enables users to continue typing regardless of program or computer operation—the user may type in whatever speed he or she desires, and if the receiving software is busy at the time it will be called to handle this later.

Often this means that keystrokes entered will not be displayed on the screen immediately.

This programming technique for handling user what is known as a keyboard buffer. Typeahead has its roots in the age of typewriters.

The IBM Selectric typewriter, first released in 1961, had a mechanical key lockout feature designed to smooth out typists' irregular keystrokes that, to many users, felt like typeahead.

Achieving true typeahead requires maintaining a so-called "typeahead buffer"—a FIFO queue, for instance—whose role it is to store a limited amount of keyboard input until it is called for. Installing such a buffer can be done at both the hardware and the software levels; most modern operating systems, such as Unix, implement this using software, calling kernel interrupts.

In some network operations, one might attempt to dispatch information over a network, regardless whether the receiving program manages to keep up, using the recipient's typeahead functions.

However, as this is far too reliant on the specifications of the computer with which one is communicating, it is not often used.

Source: Typeahead

21 questions
6 answers

Looking for a Combo(Viewer) in SWT/JFace which supports autocomplete

I'm looking for a Combo(Viewer) in SWT/JFace which supports autocomplete / type-ahead, i.e. the user can enter a couple of characters and the drop down list should show all matching elements.
Aaron Digulla
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1 answer

XPages Type Ahead fails while loading suggestions

We are using an inputText XPages control with Type Ahead for auto-completion. When typing in the search field, no suggestions appear. We have a list of comma-separated suggestions set in the Type Ahead properties pane, and the suggestions separator…
5 answers

Angularjs typeahead example is always not working

I am trying to use a case on angularjs typeahead now, but it is always not working, am I forget to import some js files? please help me out, thank you Html:
5 answers

Any possibility to get autocompletion / type-ahead / intellisense in Android XML Files (Eclipse)

Is there any way to make Eclipse + Android SDK + ADT Plugin offer some sort of auto-complete in XML files if I hit CTRL+Space when my cursor is in a spot such as the ones marked with an * below. The thing is that I…
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2 answers

Xpages type ahead functionality don't work in Internet Explorer 9

I developed a web form in Xpages with functionality "type ahead" for a field. Works perfectly in Firefox, Safari, Chrome, IE 7, IE 8, but does not work in IE 9. When I start typing in the field with the function should show a list of data for…
1 answer

No frills (non-jQuery) type-ahead for dropdowns?

If I have a bare dropdown box, what is the easiest no frills way to add type ahead? There is nothing complicated or dynamic about the box itself, it just has a lot of options (here, US States). Essentially I'm wondering if this simple case can be…
Rex Butler
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2 answers

Creating a type-ahead UISearchDisplay with asynchronous network calls in iOS

One view of my iOS application is a UISearchDisplay. I have designed it as a type-ahead search, so that whenever the user enters a new character the table is re-populated. I have done this by implementing the UISearchDisplayDelegate protocol…
1 answer

How to set up jQuery TypeAhead to work with a large collection

I would like to use jQuery TypeAhead functionality on my site. I would like to use TypeAhead to fetch search results from Active Directory. Active Directory contains about 130,0000 records. What do you think about this setup? I am thinking I could…
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1 answer

ExtJs - How to clear the existing value in editable combobox when user starts typing a new value

I have an editable combobox. There will be an existing value in this combobox which comes by default or the user selects it from the dropdown. Now if the user wants to enter a new value in this combobox, I want the existing value to be cleared on…
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0 answers

Java 7 issue - Type-ahead keystrokes are not being enqueued

I'm having an issue where keystrokes are getting lost instead of being queued up and processed when a text field gains focus. This used to work correctly in Java 6, but is no longer working correctly in Java 7. Here is the scenario: User opens a…
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1 answer

Lotus Xpages TypeAhead option changes the DOM id of the label

lotus changes the generated id of a label for an input text field, if the type-ahead field is enabled for that field. 1. The source on the xpage without type-ahead:
Jozsef Lehocz
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1 answer

How to do type ahead search in SQL server database

I am writing back-end API in Django for an Angular front-end application. I am using an SQL-server database and a linked server. In the front-end I want to use type-ahead search for employees. For ex. In front-end if I want to search for employees…
1 answer

Completion type does not accept array of objects

I try to create an type-ahead functionality based on Elasticsearch. But I cannot create documents as said in documentation…
0 answers

ng-bootstrap ngbTypeahead with Angular5

Angular 5 with .NET (C#) I am trying to incorporate the Typeahead control provided by ng-bootstrap. Given below is the requirement: - A typeahead control called Category - On selecting one of the items in the Category list, another control should be…
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2 answers

Symfony3 type-ahead / auto complete

I'm looking for an good example for a type-ahead or auto-complete textbox in Symfony3. When entering text in the textbox then a query is executed to search in a database and the results can be selected. Any suggestion how to implement this in…
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