Questions tagged [icsharpcode]

ICSharpCode.TextEditor is a syntax highlighting control for .NET program. It comes from the open source IDE SharpDevelop. It's available under LGPL license.

64 questions
2 answers

ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib validate zip file

Using ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib for C#, how can I validate that the file being passed is actually a valid zip file (not something that has been right clicked and renamed as .zip)? [HttpPost] public ActionResult Upload(HttpPostedFileBase…
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1 answer

Lisp syntax highlighting for ICSharpCode.TextEditor

Is there a Common Lisp syntax highlighting .xshd file for use with ICSharpCode.TextEditor? I haven't been able to find one on google, and the format for writing syntax highlighting specification files is so wretchedly documented that I can't make a…
Seth Carnegie
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2 answers

Reading 2D Barcode from Images

I need a library to read 2D barcode (datamatrix) from images on C# project (windows Forms). I tried using some SDKs, but the SDKs I tried are not free. Is there any free SDK for reading 2d Barcode from images?
Praveen Kumar
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1 answer

How do I highlight syntax errors using ICSharpCode.TextEditor.TextEditorControl?

I'm using ICSharpCode.TextEditor.TextEditorControl as my DSL editor. When I get DSL compilation errors, I would like to highlight the offending text to provide a better user experience. However, I'm having difficulty finding how to do this. So…
Igor Pashchuk
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1 answer

What's wrong with my application ---- Size was 0, but I expected 46806 !

I'm a C# programmer. Now, I'm using the ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll to create a zip file in my current project. But it occurs to me that when I click the button at the SECOND TIME to execute a function to create a zip file, the application will…
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1 answer

ICSharpCode.TextEditor Vertical Scrolling

Is it possible to configure vertical scrolling in ICSharpCode.TextEditor such that by default no vertical scrollbar is visible. And that only when someone types a lot of lines (beyond current height of this control) that a vertical scrollbar appears…
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ICSharpCode.TextEditor - KeyDown problem

I'm trying to create an auto-complete function for the ICSharpCode.TextEditor. But the fileTabs_KeyDown doesn't recognize Enter/Backspace/Tab/... I tried to add a new KeyEventHandler to the active editor but that doesn't call my KeyDown…
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2 answers

ICSharpCode.Decompiler + Mono.Cecil -> How to generate code for a single method?

I'm able to use Mono.Cecil and ICSharpCode.Decompiler to generate the code for a type or an assembly. But if I try to generate the code for a single method I'll get an error "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." Can you guys give…
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2 answers

ICSharpCode Under Mono?

Has anyone tried getting the ICSharpCode.TextEditor library to work in Ubuntu under Mono? I know it uses quite a few P/Invoke methods, If anyone found a way to get around these it would be good help to know how it was done. Thanks!
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1 answer

ICSharpCode.TextEditor - Change Syntax Colors

I'm using the ICSharpCode.TextEditor and want to change the syntax colors... in the namespace ICSharpCode.TextEditor.Document there is the public class HighlightColor but I don't know how to give new colors to the editor. Somebody there, who…
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1 answer

Using AvalonEdit in Sharpdevelop 3.x

I am very curious to know if it is possible to replace the normal ICSharpCode.TextEditor with AvalonEdit in Sharpdevelop 3.x. Frankly speaking AvalonEdit is way too better than ICSharpCode.TextEditor, so it would be better to use AvalonEdit in…
Anindya Chatterjee
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1 answer

ICSharp text editor for Mono

I know there is a text-editing control which was built for MonoDevelop, but where exactly is it? In the AddIns and bin folder of MonoDevelop in Program Files after installation, there a bunch of DLL files but none of them contain any controls which…
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3 answers

Word Wrap in ICSharpcode TextEditor

I'm using the ICSharpcode text editor, and I am looking for a way to do Word Wrap in it. Is there any documentation for this other than the source code? My only documentation so far has been the Code Project article, and the source code for…
Kris Erickson
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4 answers

C# Library Management console program

In this code when I add 2 books and try to delete 1st and 2nd book, 1st gets deleted and 2nd one didn't. In next case when I add 3 books and delete one by one 1 gets deleted and 2 not and 3rd one becomes missing when I delete 2. When I add 4 books 2…
1 answer

icsharpcode SharpZipLib is not setting password correctly on zip file

The zip file appears to be created successfully on my drive, and contains the files I specified in filePaths[] The issue is the that despite setting a password to 'hello' it will say the password is incorrect when I try and unzip the file. ///…
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