Questions tagged [autocomplete]

Autocomplete is a UI feature provided by applications, where the program predicts a word or phrase that the user wants to type without the user actually typing it completely.

Autocomplete is a user interface feature provided by applications, where the program predicts a word or phrase that the user wants to type without the user actually typing it completely.

It is provided by many web browsers, e-mail programs, search engine interfaces, source code editors, database query tools, word processors, and command line interpreters.

15827 questions
1 answer

How can I get the grappelli autocomplete widget to work in place of a ModelMultipleChoiceField (in the one-to-many direction)?

Using the Django Grappelli admin tools, I can configure a ForeignKey (many-to-one) field to display as an autocomplete widget, rather than a drop down field, as follows: class MyModel(models.Model): related = models.ForeignKey(RelatedModel,…
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0 answers

IDE for Java + Rhino with debugging and profiling facility for js scripts using custom js libraries and the complete JCL?

I have a Java application that extensively uses javascripting to let us quickly configure its different modules in different ways. Internally the scripts are simply compiled by Rhino, and can use any object from the Java Class Library, custom Java…
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2 answers

What is the fastest way to create a cross-platform IDE for a new programming language?

The title already says most of what I'm after, but let me state some of the requirements explicitly: The language is not widely used, so writing a new language tokenizer etc is assumed to probably be required. Cross-platform, means at least Linux,…
4 answers

Close keyboard when scrolling in dropdown on autocompletetextview in Android

I have an autocompletetextview which I have linked it to a webservice so it shows me suggestions as I type. Now how can I hide the soft keyboard when the user starts scrolling through the autocomplete dropdown? I looked through the net but didnt…
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3 answers

Autocomplete not working in Dialog

Hi I have an AutoComplete on an input field. It works fine when called from a HTML view but when called using a Dialog, the dropdown list does not appear. The data appears in the dropdown if I use up & down keys but I do not see the dropdown. How…
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1 answer

Modify auto_match of quotes, adding an additional quoting character to Sublime Text 2

Sublime Text 2 very helpfully closes all of my quotes. Is it possible to modify which characters it does this with? For example, if I would like to add `backticks` to the list. @skuroda's answer works great. On Mac OSX, go to Sublime Text 2…
Ricardo Saporta
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1 answer

jquery ui autocomplete input select value

I use jquery autocomplete to search in a xml file. The autocomplete function works fine. However, when I click on an element item of autocomplete menu result , the value put inside the input search box is not visible. Because there are a lot's of…
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3 answers

Adjusting the auto-complete dropdown width on a textbox

I am using a textbox in a .NET 2 winforms app that is setup with a custom AutoCompleteSource. Is there anyway through code that I can increase the width of the list that appears containing the auto complete suggestions? Ideally I would like to do…
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1 answer

google map autocomplete select first entry in list by default

I am using a gmap autocomplete and sometimes the user doesn't hit any choice in the suggestion list. For example he types "Paris" in the input field and believes the search will be performed with Paris, however has the 'place_changed' of the gmap…
queto putito
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2 answers

what is difference between getEditableText and getText?

I found this question while working with autoCompleteTextView in android. It seems like it does not allow the autoCompleteTextView to fetch data through getEditableText method as the data is selected by autoCompleteList . What i understand is that…
kaushal trivedi
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1 answer

Emacs auto-complete not displaying results

I am running the most recent version of auto-complete in elpa with the new stable release of Emacs (24.3) in Linux. I have the following setup on my Emacs init file. (add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa" . "")…
Amelio Vazquez-Reina
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2 answers

Back-end for Auto-complete

This is an interview question: design a distributed back-end for auto-complete. I would answer it as follows: Auto-complete is a search in a dictionary by a given suffix. The dictionary should be probably organized as a trie. The dictionary is built…
2 answers

iPhone SDK: disable auto creation of dot (.) in text field (or textview)

I've disabled auto-correction type for my text field, and it does not show any other auto-correction, but it still automatically creates a dot (.) when I press space key twice. For example, if I write "test" and press space key twice, it…
Will Yeo - MSFT
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1 answer

Rails implementation of search with autocomplete

I am not to sure how to have an autocomplete form to my search function. <%= form_tag "/search", :method => "get" do %> <%= text_field_tag :query, params[:query] %> <%= image_submit_tag "site/blankimg.png", :name => nil %> <% end %> I have…
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