Questions tagged [architectural-patterns]

An architectural pattern is a general, reusable solution to a commonly occurring problem in software architecture within a given context. When using this tag on implementation heavy questions - tag the code language the implementation is written in.

An architectural pattern is a general, reusable solution to a commonly occurring problem in software architecture within a given context

Architectural patterns are similar to software design patterns but have a broader scope.

The architectural patterns address various issues in software engineering, such as:

  • Computer hardware performance limitations.
  • High availability.
  • Minimization of business risks.

Some architectural patterns have been implemented within software frameworks.

89 questions
1 answer

Is ASP.NET MVC an erroneous implementation of the MVC architect pattern?

Background: I have been thinking about this for quite some time and I haven´t found any good answer to it. After working for some time with WebForms and periodically with MVC 2,3 and 4 I still do not understand how ASP.NET MVC can claim to be an…
0 answers

Microservices extensions/plugins architecture

We are building a platform based on microservices. The platform will provide a number of basic functions that will be used in various independent projects. We need to come up with such an architecture that will allow us to extend the basic…
4 answers

What is the difference between an Abstraction and a Facade?

What is the difference between an 'Abstraction' and a 'Facade'? Is there a difference at all? Or are the terms interchangeable?
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2 answers

Is CQRS alternative to CRUD?

What is different between CQRS and CRUD and can I use the UnitOfWork and Repository patterns in both cases ? If I have a complicated relationship between the entites which one you are recommending me and why ? CQRS pattern :…
1 answer

How robust is the Project Silk type architecture for data heavy LOB apps?

Project Silk looks good for social networking applications where there are streams of frequently updated data that need to appear in a dashboard style presentation. I would like to ask if such an architecture also is appropriate for typical LOB apps…
3 answers

Pattern/Library for sending objects over network, keeping pointers

Let's say you have a Client and a Server that wants to share/synchronize the same Models/Objects. The models point to each other, and you want them to keep pointing at the same object after being sent/serialized between the client and the server. My…
3 answers

How to bind a collection of objects to a DataGridView in Winforms

If i have two objects, namely Fruit' andColor` and their definitions are as follows: public class Fruit { public int FruitId { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public Color Color { get; set; } } public class Color …
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4 answers

Query object implementation examples

Can anyone recommend good tutorial, implementation or sample code on Query object pattern usage, in C#(Java...)? I haven't found much with google.
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2 answers

Layered and Pipe-and-Filter

I'm a bit confused in which situations these patterns should be used, because in some sense, they seem similar to me? I understand that Layered is used when system is complex, and can be divided by its hierarchy, so each layer has a function on…
Kobe-Wan Kenobi
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3 answers

Android Architectural patterns

I have just started with the android development and I am trying to develop my first application, which I am actually going to publish. I have a programming background in Java and knowledge of some patterns however I have no idea which patterns I…
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2 answers

Passing business entities through layers in multi layer architecture

Currently I'm working on a project exploiting multi layer architecture as described in Application Architecture Guide 2.0 with 5 layers(DAL, BLL, Facade, Presentation Layer and Common Layer). Here we have a Business Logic Layer which consists of…
3 answers

How to handle state from external systems functionally?

I recently got into functional programming and I've learned several ways of dealing with some kinds of side effects in a referentially transparent way: the State monad for mutable state like updating a variable the IO monad for I/O like…
1 answer

Pipe and Filter, clarification needed

Few questions on Pipe and Filter. In this example, as illustrated on the image above, when implemented: Should each Pipe be running in a separate thread? Should each Filter be running in a separate thread? Is it fair to say that Pump only "knows"…
James Raitsev
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1 answer

Android good architecture

I am interested in exploring good architectural patterns for Android applications. I made several experiments with VIPER and generally Clean Architecture approaches but I would like to get some good material/ideas to investigate from you dear SO…
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6 answers

OOPS (Design Patterns)

hey, hi i want put limit on object creation means a class can have at most suppose 4 objects not more than that how to achieve this?
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