Questions tagged [architectural-patterns]

An architectural pattern is a general, reusable solution to a commonly occurring problem in software architecture within a given context. When using this tag on implementation heavy questions - tag the code language the implementation is written in.

An architectural pattern is a general, reusable solution to a commonly occurring problem in software architecture within a given context

Architectural patterns are similar to software design patterns but have a broader scope.

The architectural patterns address various issues in software engineering, such as:

  • Computer hardware performance limitations.
  • High availability.
  • Minimization of business risks.

Some architectural patterns have been implemented within software frameworks.

89 questions
6 answers

best practice/design pattern other than constructor overloading java

I have a class which has multiple constructors. Each represent different use cases. public class ABC { public ABC(int x) { ... } public ABC(ArrayList Stringarray) { ... } ..many more constructors.. } Constructor overloading…
2 answers

Time delays and Model View Controller

I am implementing a turn based game, there are two sides and each side has several units, at each specific moment only one unit can move across the board. Since only one unit can move at a time, after i figure out where it should go, as far as the…
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1 answer

Need to consume messages in order with high-availability

Is there a standard design pattern I can leverage to consume messages from a queue in order, but have high availability? I can, of course, divide the load into separate queues by account number last digit (order is only important per account) which…
2 answers

Session Façade in a Client-Server Application

In the J2EE Pattern Session Façade - that the "Core J2EE Patterns - Best Practices and Design Strategies" book says: Use a Session Façade to encapsulate business-tier components and expose a coarse-grained service to remote clients. Clients access…
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2 answers

Javascript : mix Async with Sync in a function (cache and Ajax request)

I'm trying to figure out how to mix 2 different returns (async / sync) from a function that would look like this : getVideo(itemID){ let data = localStorage.getItem(itemID) if ( data ) { return data; } else{ axios.get('http://...') …
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1 answer

Is Broker a design pattern and mentioned in Design Patterns by Gamma et al.?

In the book Software Architecture in Practice by Bass et al., it is mentioned: The broker pattern defines a runtime component, called a broker, that mediates the communication between a number of cllents and servers. The original version of…
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1 answer

How to evade writing a lot of repetitive code when mapping?

I have a data access layer (DAL) using Entity Framework, and I want to use Automapper to communicate with upper layers. I will have to map data transfer objects (DTOs) to entities as the first operation on every method, process my inputs, then…
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2 answers

Is it okay to have more than one architectural patterns for the same project in ios

We are using MVC as our architectural pattern and hope to use MVP or VIPER,pattern for some parts of the project. is it okay to have more than one architectural pattern in the same project. is this a good practice?.
Marlon Brando aka Ben
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4 answers

What design-pattern do you use, and what is it good for?

I know about the Gang of Four and some of their patterns such as the Façade, the Factory, the Singleton and some others. Besides, it happened that I see multiple patterns which I don't know of, neither for what are they good, or their purpose. I…
Will Marcouiller
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0 answers

Implementation of monitoring of computed properties in VueJS

In VueJS documentation, the following behavior is mentioned. Here we have declared a computed property reversedMessage. The function we provided will be used as the getter function for the property

Original message: "{{…

1 answer

Patterns for Time / Date based domain events in DDD

I'm working on a user story whereby a Task (an entity) is created for a user to work on when a date is overdue and other criteria are met (on a separate entity - let's say a Product). Ideally I would like a Domain Event to be created in real-time…
3 answers

A best practice for multithreading within a function that returns a value, Swift

I have a question that might be not specifically about implementation but rather a tip/best practice thing. I am working on a class in Swift that gets data from an online source in JSON format. I want to have specific methods in this class that…
1 answer

Synchronous communication in Apache Camel between Camel Context's

In the last project I was able to use direct:vm component, which is in my opinion the best component to resolve my task. Unfortunately now I can't use it because I'm limited to ServiceMix's Camel version, which is 2.6.0-fuse-00-00, so I've found…
4 answers

Consensus between DDD and Enterprise Architecture

In literature (blogs, articles, books on Enterprise Architecture...), it seems there is a real (and exclusive) appliance of SOA in EA. If we consider DDD and SOA share common architecture principles but differ on many others, what is the place for…
1 answer

Comparing pipe and filter pattern to builder pattern

I'm trying to get my head around these two patterns and am wondering about the similarities and differences. To me they are similiar in ways as they both seem to use the step by step process. Could someone shed some more light on these two patterns?…
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