Questions tagged [architectural-patterns]

An architectural pattern is a general, reusable solution to a commonly occurring problem in software architecture within a given context. When using this tag on implementation heavy questions - tag the code language the implementation is written in.

An architectural pattern is a general, reusable solution to a commonly occurring problem in software architecture within a given context

Architectural patterns are similar to software design patterns but have a broader scope.

The architectural patterns address various issues in software engineering, such as:

  • Computer hardware performance limitations.
  • High availability.
  • Minimization of business risks.

Some architectural patterns have been implemented within software frameworks.

89 questions
1 answer

Is there a benefit to storing plain-text (in addition to the HTML data) to improve searchability?

To keep this simple, I intent to store some html based content that is created by the end user. So a table like the following create table Content ( ContentId, Title, ContentHtml ) Now, the HTML comes from let's say a CKEditor. Is it…
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1 answer

Amazon SQS: how to find end of job?

Let's say I have a lot of jobs and every job consists from a big number of some elementary operations that many worker applications work upon. I send a message for every operation to workers, so they can catch these messages, do what is needed, then…
7 answers

What design pattern to use when I want only some derived classes to have access to a method in base class?

I have a unique problem/situation here. Trying to make it as simple as possible. I have a base class (say Parent) and a whole bunch of derived classes (say Child1, Child2 ..ChildN) directly deriving from the base class (Parent). I want to change the…
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1 answer

Should I create Presenter and Model for each Activity or not?

I've read some articles about using MVP pattern in Android. The best way for me is to create contract(one interface for each Model,View and Presenter). The question is should I create such a contract for each Activity or how to implement it if I…
1 answer

How is the SOA pattern different from the client-server pattern?

The SOA pattern consists of service providers and service consumers. It seems to be opposed to monolithic applications. The above two also apply to the client-server pattern. So how is the SOA pattern different from the client-server pattern? Must…
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1 answer

Android MVVM: Should the view notify the view-model for every user interaction even trivial ones (only have UI consequence/no data)

According to my little knowledge: In MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) architectural pattern, the view should notify the view-model for user interactions such as button clicks. The view-model responds by updating its observable data streams…
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1 answer

Good strategy for replacing parts of functionality in iOS ViewControllers

I have VCs in an iOS app which have quite a lot of UI controls. I would now need to replace or "mock" some of these controls when in a specific state. In some cases this would be just disabling button actions, but in some cases the actions that…
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1 answer

Naming conventions for a project containg only WCF ServiceReferences?

Let's say we have a back-end that needs to talk to N external systems using some kind of Web Services. What I do is: Create a separate project and generate there the proxy classes (using the service's WSDL in the WCF Service Reference…
Nikos Baxevanis
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4 answers

location of interfaces dilemma

Given a code project which is supposed to adhere to the SoC principle by implementing loosely coupled layers, having an IoC container, etc., for example, a simple ASP.NET MVC solution which is separated into the following assemblies: Application…
2 answers

React JS - How does this program work?

I took React.JS course in Codeacademy. This problem from React.JS part II. I'm learning patterns of programming but I can't understand how this pattern works Code: Parent.js var React = require('react'); var ReactDOM = require('react-dom'); var…
1 answer

Which files are responsible specifically for Model, View and Controller in struts2 MVC framework?

My MVC concept is not clear. It seems me that .xml files are for Modeling; .jsp files are for Viewing; .java files are for Controlling. This is actually represents MVC system. I have the working basic concepts on MVC formula but I am not clear on…
1 answer

How to display data from more than one table to my view using MVP pattern in C# winforms?

How to display data from more than one table to my view using MVP pattern in C# winforms? Say I have the following tables: Fruit Color Table definition: +----------+ | Fruit | +----------+ | Id | | Name | | Color_Id…
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1 answer

MVC with nested views

Consider the following view structure: Layout View Map View List View Item View List View Item View Item View Item View List View Item View Item View At the moment, I have only one controller for that entire structure. All the nested…
1 answer

Should i create a view ( consisting UIButton, UILabel etc) in a separate UIView class or inside UIViewController?

I have a UIViewController say viewControllerA which contains some view element like UIButton, UILabel etc. Now my question is should I create those view elements in a separate UIView class and then add in UIViewController, or should I create those…
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0 answers

Does static website meets the criteria of any architectural pattern?

I'm concerned if static website, like single page with HTML file only, hosted from file server, available with some DNS/IP address meets any criteria of architectural pattern (from group with MVC, Singleton and so on)? I have mixed feeling if could…
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