Questions tagged [app-update]

89 questions
3 answers

How can app add on iTunes connect?

One of my app is uploaded on mobile store, then after some months I have add new build but did not submit that build for review. Now I updated my app with new designs and lots of changes. and I wanted to upload this new version on store. But I don’t…
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iOS: iPAD to Univeral App upgrade quandary

I have two versions of my iOS App - FooBarApp for iPAD and FooBarApp for iPhone each with its own Bundle ID (com.foobar.fooBariPad for the iPAD app and com.foobar.fooBar for the Phone App) Both have the same functionality - searching and buying the…
1 answer

How should iOS app data files for new app version be moved from NSDocumentDirectory to NSLibraryDirectory?

In the current version of my app, I have stored two important app files (my Core Data .sqlite file and my SettingsFile.plist) in the NSDocumentDirectory. In the next version, I want to move these files to the NSLibraryDirectory. Neither needs to be…
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Changing iOS and Android app's name and icon on the fly

Okay, I know the title is a bit confusing so let me explain it a little bit more. We have different groups of clients and they want to have their own app, meaning the app name, icon, splash screen and theme colour are customized. But the…
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Storing user and application core data differently

In my IOS app, I store two types of data in CoreData. One type is user generated, the other type is a pregenerated database. Currently this is all in the same store, which goes into the documents folder. But this is not a good approach, so I will…
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Android: How to track of upgrade stats from a specific version number

I have an app that I recently took from 1.0 to 2.0 and have had 7 updates making current version 2.0.7. In Android Dev console I get daily number of people updating but this stat includes all updates and does not show from which version people are…
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How do I check if update for my Windows Phone App is available?

How do i make my app itself whenever there is a new version on the store? I have researched enough but nothing seem to have worked for me.. Help required! Thank you
Taeb Ali Khan
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Any issues in updating iOS 4 app to iOS 8?

I have an iOS 4 app I developed 4 years ago that needs to run all iOS versions from 4 to 8. What is the best way to go about that. All I can think of is just go through all compiler failures and fix them while if I use any feature not present in…
Hassan Hussein
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What needs to be done to update an iOS app with a completely new Xcode file?

I have completely rebuilt my app (in SwiftUI) in a new Xcode file. The app has been on the App Store for several years with nearly a thousand paying users using CoreData. How can I be sure the update doesn't cause the users to loose their data…
1 answer

Android New Version Available - App Update Dialog Using Json From Own Server

I want to show dialogue when new version is available. I want to make a json file into my web server, and I will manually update my app version in json file. and my app will parse this json file and will notify users and showing dialogue box to…
1 answer

I have jks file can I update the app with new package name? Will I lose my previous downloads?

I have a client who had hired some other developer previously and was unhappy with them so he decided to hire us but now the issue is that we are building the app from scratch. Client wants to retain his previous downloads so he has got the JKS…
1 answer

I lost my key store password, I want to update my app on plays store with same keystore

I lost my key store password, I want to update my app on plays store but don't want to loose my user base. Can any one suggest me how to update app or how I can get my key store password. Thanks in advance.
Aman Systematix
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1 answer

Google Play Console rejected my app update saying app is not compliant with Google Play Policies

Google Play Console rejected my latest update saying that is not compliant with one or more of our Developer Program Policies, despite me filling out the location permissions declaration form and submitting afterwards. The email I received states…
2 answers

Update unsigned android apk in play store

We have an app published on play store and the developer has given us the unsigned app. How do we proceed in updating the existing app without it being signed? Is it possible to update an existing app with an unsigned apk after we sign it?
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