Questions tagged [ios-universal-app]

An iOS universal app is an app that can be run both on iPhone, iPhone with retina screen, iPad and iPad with retina screen.

An iOS universal app is an app that can be run both on iPhone, iPhone with retina screen, iPad and iPad with retina screen.

Developer guide for Creating a Universal App

285 questions
3 answers

Universal application with Portrait orientation for iPhone and Landscape orientation for iPad

I'm creating a Universal application using Swift. I have used Storyboard and Auto-Layouts. Requirement is of creating a universal application which will support Portrait orientation only for iPhone and Landscape orientation only for iPad. I have…
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Universal iPhone/iPad application debug compilation error for iPhone testing

I have written an iPhone and iPad universal app which runs fine in the iPad simulator on Xcode, but I would now like to test the iPhone functionality. I seem unable to run the iPhone simulator with this code as it always defaults to the…
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5 answers

How to get UITextField Tap Event?

I am trying to show UIAlertView on Tap or Click of UITextField for both IPad and IPhone. I make an IBAction and Attach it with Tap Down event of UITextField. But its not working correctly, means not always, in case of iphone and not working in-case…
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2 answers

this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key view.'

I have a problem in AppDelegate, when run the app I get this error: Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSUnknownKeyException', reason: '[ setValue:forUndefinedKey:]: this class is not key value…
Adriana Carelli
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3 answers

How do I use popover segues with a universal storyboard on iOS 7?

I'm in the process of moving from hard-coded layouts to the new universal storyboard system available in Xcode 6. It's great to be able to create one storyboard that, through the magic of auto-layout, will work on both the iPhone and the iPad. And…
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How to migrate from iPhone/iPad storyboards to universal storyboard

I have a project created in Xcode 5. The "Deployment Info" settings says Devices: Universal but has separate iPhone and iPad settings and corresponding iPhone and iPad storyboards. Now I'm developing the same project in Xcode 6 and I want to use one…
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3 answers

How to create apple-app-site-association file for Universal Linking in IOS 9?

I have some problem in creating apple-app-site-association file.I don't know how to create json file without json extentsion and have content type application/json for the same file.I want to use this file without any signing as it doesn't need in…
Abilash Bansal
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6 answers

Hiding UISplitViewController overlay in portrait

In adopting the new UISplitViewController I'm trying to make a change a default behaviour that occurs when using the UISplitViewControllerDisplayModeAutomatic mode. When working in portrait I want the primary overlay to hide when the user triggers a…
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2 answers

How/whether to make a universal storyboard in Xcode

When creating a storyboard file in Xcode, you must select if it is for iPhone or iPad. This implies one should always put iPhone and iPad UIs into separate storyboards. Is this true? My app has multiple storyboards. While the Main.storyboard files…
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2 answers

Universal Storyboard?

In the old XIB world of iOS development, I was able to create one View Controller and one XIB, and use them for both the iPhone and iPad environments. With just a few code tweaks, the XIB would resize and adjust to fit the different dimensions and…
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1 answer

Get main storyboard in universal app

Trying my hand at a universal project, I'd like to load a vc by identifier from storyboard. Is there a way to avoid an explicit check of the idiom when accessing the storyboard. This ugly code works.... UIStoryboard *storyboard; if…
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1 answer

Use UITabBarViewController in portrait but UISplitViewController in landscape in a Universal app

I want to use a UITabBarViewController when on iPhone in portrait and a UISplitViewController when on iPhone 6/6+ in landscape or iPad in either orientation. When on iPad or iPhone 6/6+ landscape, the tab bar items present themselves as…
2 answers

IOS 7.1, Regular width constraints on universal storyboard ignored if Target device family set to iPad

I started a new single view project on Xcode 6.1 went to my target and set Device Family to Universal and Deployment target to 7.1 In the storyboard i placed a red label in Size class Regular Width | Any Height and a blue label in Size Class Compact…
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6 answers

Do we need to use 2 Storyboard for a Universal app?

I have a project for iPhone and iPad. The iPad needs a split view controller. Do we create two separate storyboards? One for iPhone (using autolayout we can support all devices) and two for iPad. My doubt is the difference it only in initial view.…
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1 answer

iOS Universal app seems slightly zoomed in on phone

I have an iPad app that I'm converting to a universal app to show on phones. It has both a tab bar and a navigation bar, and my problem is that they are both way too big on the phone. I could swear I heard Paul Hegarty (from the iTunes U class…
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