Questions tagged [app-update]

89 questions
0 answers

Force update while Google Play Store cached prev version

My app needs the force update feature, but for some of my users occurred a weird issue. They can't see a new version on the Google Play Store app until clear cache! So they stuck in a loop! The app needs the update and an update is not available for…
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New shared preferences not getting added to App Update

I have my app on Google Play Store. In the recent update I added a new shared preference to it. Code: SharedPreferences sharedPreferences=getSharedPreferences("SettingsData",MODE_PRIVATE); if(!sharedPreferences.getBoolean("settings",false)) { …
1 answer

I uploaded multiple apks but Play console changes my app version codes for each of them but I have to set min version in dynamic links

When I am uploading multiple apks for different abis to play store then play console changes my app version code for each apk to 4 digit no 1001, 2001 like this. The problem is I have dynamic link in my app and I need to specify the minimum app…
0 answers

Android database (Room) not updating after application update

I'm kind of new to Android development, but I'm taking over some project somebody more experimented than me did. I'm making an application that retrieves data from the internet at startup and creates (or updates) a room database to store the…
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Execute sqlite query during mobile app installation in xamarin.forms

Hi I am working on a usecase for my Xamarin.forms app. The usecase is to execute some sqlite queries during app installation to get any database changes information in new app version. Currently when I launch my app after upgrade to a newer version,…
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AndroidManifest launchMode for activity not updating after updating the app in device

I've encountered a strange problem that occurred after updating the app on API 29 and API 30 emulators. The previous version of the app had the launcher activity with android:launchMode="singleTask", and after detecting a bug regarding to this, I've…
Furkan Yurdakul
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Android app rejection issue with Violation

We have tried publish a new version of existing app on Play store but the update got rejected With the issue :- Issue: Violation of Families Policy Requirements Also We have received an email with Title: "Issue: Violation of Families Policy…
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Is there any way I can release and app update to a particular device model?

There is some weird crash which is happening in Samsung Galaxy J7 devices in my Android app, I have fixed it using some workaround, now I want to push the new updated version only to that particular device model. Is this possible using the play…
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Let ios Distribution Certificate expire if I don't want new updates

I got the email from Apple: "Your iOS Distribution Certificate will no longer be valid in 30 days. To generate a new certificate, sign in and visit Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles." It is already in the app store and I am not planning to put…
0 answers

Updating app uses FFMpeg version used in older version of app

I was using FFMpeg old version in my app and now i updated my app to new FFMpeg version.But when i update my old app version to new app version it still seems to use old version of FFMpeg until i uninstall old app version and then install new app…
Android Developer
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Show an App Update Dialog with various options and allow to set the prompt duration in Android

I want to show a dialog to notify the user that the new version of an App is available on the play store. My requirements are as below. 1) If the major version & minor version number of the VersoinName has changed, then the dialog should be shown…
Parth Patel
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Handling Immediate In App Update after App termination

I am trying to handle the case in which, after the user clicks on the "Update" button in the immediate update dialog and the update starts, but he terminates the App. I have tried to get a call back from the onActivityResult as mentioned in the…
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Update Native Android app with Ionic Android app

I have a native Android app with base version. (ie. Ver 1.0) I want update this native Android App with Ionic Android App. (ie Ver 1.1) Is it possible to update a native Android app with Ionic Android App? I've tried it. But it says…
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Android app won't update from other app stores after key upgrade

I am in a big trouble with update my app from multiple app stores. So the problem is that after i performed key upgrade from play console for my app, my users can't update their apps with other app stores. They can update just with Google Play and…
1 answer

Existing users are not prompted to update app on iOs app store

I created a new version for my app (3.0) and I released it on the app store. My update was published about 9 hours ago. However, when existing users open my app's page on the app store, there is no prompt to update. When users attempt to update the…
Taslim Oseni
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