Questions tagged [app-update]

89 questions
3 answers

Rails 5: How Do I Set Up a Merge Tool to use for rails app:update?

I'm upgrading a rails app to rails 6. There are a few config files I want to merge instead of manually adding information from a copy of the old file. The first time I entered m to merge the file I got the following message. Please specify…
3 answers

How do Android app upgrades work technically?

Can someone explain or point out resources where I can read how Android app upgrades actually work on an OS level of detail?
Ankit Garg
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1 answer

Updating apk SHA1 differs even after using same keystore

I have uploaded my app to Goggle Play few months back after signing it with a release keystore, I have stored that Keystore for future updation. Now I have updated the apk with some changes, while trying to upload the new apk signed with same…
0 answers

while updating app from playstore i am getting the error "Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:"

while updating app from playstore I'm getting the error.. Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Class not found using the boot class loader; no stack trace available 09-02 17:10:03.586 11866-12008/? W/System.err:…
Anushka Khare
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1 answer

When an Android app gets updated from the Play Store does it quit the running instance if there is one?

I'm writing some code in my Android app that checks if the app has been updated from the Play Store and to force the user to do a fresh synchronize with the web back-end if it has. My question is whether it's safe to assume that when an app gets…
Joshua Pinter
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1 answer

Appstore review process and app version update

I have an app waiting for "Pending Developer release". meanwhile i got a bug. So i want to release a new version. As apple says You can add a new version of an app when the current version’s status is Ready for Sale or Developer Removed from…
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1 answer

Google Application Update - Regarding Immediate Update for the Android Live Application

I am following below link to provide app update experience or feature in my android live application. The link is here : From the link content, I am implementing Immediate App Update…
Jaimin Modi
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0 answers

Dynamic Updates for React-Native App

I have a react-native application currently deployed on both google's play-store and apple's app-store. I want to do two things - forcefully update the app on all devices every time a new build with breaking changes is deployed to the store And…
Arpit Kapadia
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1 answer

"In-App Update" feature of HockeyApp SDK does not work as expected

HockeyApp SDK has offered a new feature "In-App Update". This feature checks if a new version for your app store release is available and if yes, it will show an alert view to the user and let him open your app in the App Store app. Based on the…
1 answer

Things to be considered while upgrading the iOS app

There is an iOS app developed in iOS 4.3. Now I want to upgrade this app to iOS 9 and later. I can able to run the application even on iOS 10 devices. But there are lot of deprecated warnings regarding the latest SDK. The main reason I'm posting…
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1 answer

Apple rejected app because I am forcing users to update their app version

I have developed a game, in order for the game to work all users need to be on the same version of the game. Apple have complained about this and said: Your app includes an update button or alerts the user to update the app. To avoid user confusion,…
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1 answer

Installation error code: -26 while upgrading application

When I'm trying to upgrade my application on an Android M device, I'm getting an error as: "App not installed." on the device. The logcat says: 03-17 14:12:32.161: W/InstallAppProgress(18572): Replacing package:com.test.upgrade 03-17…
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2 answers

How to Upgrade my flutter app without using Playstore or App store?

I have an app created for internal use. I have not published it on the play store, but I have to update it regularly. Can anyone help...with which library should I use for implementing a self-upgrade system to my app. Any answer would be…
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0 answers

InApp update functionality is not working am getting this error Install Error: -3

I am trying to show the update via my App am getting following error Install Error: -3 this is the code for checking and updating App public void checkAppUpdate(){ // Creates…
Parvez Md
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1 answer

Android: Add support for in-app updates in application

I have gone through the steps mentioned here Support in-app updates. I have uploaded application to the play store to check app update feature. Below is my code snippet: class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() { val REQUEST_CODE_UPDATE =…
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