Questions tagged [app-store]

The App Store is Apple's online digital distribution store for applications. It is a repository of apps which run on iOS mobile devices, as well as desktop Mac OS environments. Questions tagged [app-store] are related to performing programmatic interactions with the App Store (such as listing apps or renewing licensing). Questions related to App Store rejections or other customer support are off-topic.

The App Store is Apple's online digital distribution store for applications. It is a repository of apps which run on iOS mobile devices, as well as desktop macOS environments. Stack Overflow questions tagged with this are related to performing programmatic interactions with the App Store (such as listing apps or renewing licensing).

Questions related to App Store rejections are considered to be off-topic.

You can browse the App Store in iTunes or by clicking this link:

For submit an App use:

This tag is for Apple's digital distribution platform offering applications for , , and .

7595 questions
3 answers

How often are sales stats updated on iTunes Connect?

My app was accepted by Apple today and I am trying to figure out how many times it has been downloaded. Does anybody know how often the sales stats are updated on iTunes Connect? Is it once per day? If so, at what time is it updated?
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4 answers

Steps to upload an iPhone application to the AppStore

I want to know the basic steps for uploading my iPhone application to AppStore. How do I make a provisioning profile using a certificate and what other settings do I need to do to upload an application? I have just made an application on my iMac…
Arun Thakkar
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6 answers

App Store Connect Warns - Invalid Document Configuration

I have submitted a Single View Swift iOS application to App Store Connect. The application is not Document Based. The application uploads successfully, but I get the following warning in an email from Apple. I can still test the application through…
Jared Barden
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10 answers

Which open source licenses are compatible with the Apple's iPhone and its official App Store ?

I'm writing an iPhone app, and I would like to use a 3rd party library for part of its functionality. I intend on selling it through the App Store and my code will not be open sourced. Which open source licenses allow to make derivate works and…
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2 answers

Private iOS app

We're a marketplace that connects our contractors with customers. We want to release an iOS app (React Native) for our contractors but we don't want the app to be on the public App Store. For Android we use the Alpha Channel feature, which gives us…
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3 answers

how to change version number of an App from iTunesConnect with state Prepare for Submission

I accidentally created a new version of an App in iTunesConnect with wrong version number. It is in state Prepare for Submission. So,I want to change the version number. Is there any possibilities to do that? or Is it possible to remove the app?…
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3 answers

Raising minimum iOS Deployment Target Version for App Update

Let's say we have an application with a deployment target set to 3.0 and we want to raise the deployment target to 3.2. Normally, the App Store won't let the App be installed on devices with an IOS version less then this, but what about devices…
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8 answers

Unable to log in with sandbox test users on device

Trying to do some In App Purchase testing, so I created a sandbox tester on itunesconnect... but when I attempt to log in as that user on my device I get an error: Itunes Account creation not allowed The Apple ID cannot be used with the iTunes…
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5 answers

Convert existing iOS paid app to freemium model with in-app purchase

I currently have a paid app in the store. Apple have not allowed a 'lite' version to be submitted as well, so I have no choice but to update the current paid version to a freemium (with in app purchase) model. I have the problem of not loosing…
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15 answers

Open AppStore through button

Could you guys help me to translate the following code into Swift? [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"itms://"]]; (or do I have to take this link:…
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2 answers

App archived with Xcode 11.2 (11B52) rejected: ITMS-90534: Invalid Toolchain

I have installed both Catalina and Xcode 11 from store and they are up to date: Catalina: 10.15.1 (19B88) Xcode: 11.2 (11B52) Yesterday I have uploaded a new binary using fastlane. Today I got this message from Apple: Dear Developer, We…
Olcay Ertaş
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14 answers

SKPaymentQueue addTransactionObserver asking for App Store password on startup after in-app purchase

My app is using in-app purchases, and most of my users can purchase just fine without any problems. For these folks, my app downloads the content after the purchase succeeds and they are happy. However, for a growing number of my users, once they…
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1 answer

Routing App Coverage File

I've recently submitted my game to the App Store. It has recently been approved and is "Processing for the App Store". When I click on my application, it says "Routing App Coverage File". Just curious on what this means exactly?
Gabe Karkanis
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3 answers

How to fix "App Store Connect Operation ERROR ITMS-90771"

I'm trying to submit my app to TestFlight, but I keep getting this error. and this is what I have in my info.plist How do I fix this?
Mustafa Aljaburi
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7 answers

How to convert .xcarchive to .ipa for client to submit app to app store using Application Loader

We have created the .xcarchive file code signing with our client's certificate & distribution provisioning profile, but we need to send the .ipa file to our client so that they can upload the app to the App store using Application Loader. The only…
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