Questions tagged [app-store]

The App Store is Apple's online digital distribution store for applications. It is a repository of apps which run on iOS mobile devices, as well as desktop Mac OS environments. Questions tagged [app-store] are related to performing programmatic interactions with the App Store (such as listing apps or renewing licensing). Questions related to App Store rejections or other customer support are off-topic.

The App Store is Apple's online digital distribution store for applications. It is a repository of apps which run on iOS mobile devices, as well as desktop macOS environments. Stack Overflow questions tagged with this are related to performing programmatic interactions with the App Store (such as listing apps or renewing licensing).

Questions related to App Store rejections are considered to be off-topic.

You can browse the App Store in iTunes or by clicking this link:

For submit an App use:

This tag is for Apple's digital distribution platform offering applications for , , and .

7595 questions
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Upload an App to the App Store fails with cocoapod bundle identifier

I'm trying to upload an app to the App Store, everything runs fine until the upload that fails with this error I'm sure that my bundle id is correct, since the error is with a pod bundle indentifier, I don't know where to change this
2 answers

IOS app size 100MB warning

I've uploaded my app to the itunes connect and am using TestFlight before I release my app. When i check my build it gives me a warning about the "Universal" Device type being over the 100 mb mark for the app to be downloaded over a network…
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Changing iOS app name in iTunes

We are planning to change the name of our current live app in the next version. App's bundle id and app's unique Apple id in iTunes will not going to be changed, so it will be the same app with only the name changed. My question is that, how this…
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1 answer

Cannot update .geojson file for app submission on App Store

My GeoJSON file is supposed to cover the entire world. Here is the GeoJSON file: { "type": "MultiPolygon", "coordinates": [ [[[-169.4,58.8], [-168.0,83.4], [188.4,83.3], [194.0,-72.8], [-166.6,-73.6], [-169.4,58.8]]] …
2 answers

Deploy a mobile application in private/restricted App store

I have developed a product based mobile application which should only be available and downloadable for my consumers who are using my product. Please help me understand how the private/restricted app store works. Is there any way to provide a direct…
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Metadata rejected - To re-submit or not?

My newly submitted iOS app came up for review after 6 days, however shortly after the status change I got a message saying the metadata was rejected. The following message was posted in the resolution centre: We began the review of your app but…
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4 answers

'Attempt to mutate immutable object with deleteCharactersInRange': Xcode 7.2 error creating archive to upload to appstore

In Xcode 7.2 when creating an archive to upload to App Store (using Windows > Organizer) I get the following error: 'Attempt to mutate immutable object with deleteCharactersInRange' The following log is generated for the error: 2016-01-13…
Ian Pinto
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1 answer

How to install Spritebuilder?

Hello I'm trying to install Spritebuilder but it seems like it's no longer available on the mac app store. I've tried installing via github, but I'm running into trouble. I'm getting this error: "fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent…
Alex Ko
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2 answers

How to detect where iOS app was distributed from?

How can I detect where an iOS app was distributed from? I'd like to detect if it was through Apple's TestFlight, Apple's AppStore, or Beta by Crashlytics distribution platform.
Liran Cohen
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1 answer

Codename one IOS App Store

We have successfully tested our IOS app on IPAD with Codename one Build IOS debug feature. It is working fine out here. But When we build for the App Store, The app downloads in the device and don't get installed. We have already generated the…
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Can we upload applications developed by VMWARE server to App Store?

I have developed applications using VMWare Server. Can I upload these applications to the App Store? Is there any chance to apple that it can find the application is developed in VMWare Server and apple will reject this applications?
1 answer

What is save for Enterprise Deployment in iOS (XCode 7)

When I select archive to generate an ipa file, I am being presented with 4 options. I understand 3 of them. I am not clear about the 4th option ie. Save for Enterprise Deployment. However if I select this option to generate an ipa file, that…
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Removing support for older iOS version

What exactly happens if you release a version of your app that removes support of an older version of iOS? (e.g. removing iOS 7 support) Will users that already bought the app still be able to download the old version? Will users on that iOS…
Samuel Mellert
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No "iOS Device" Option in Xcode 7.1

I'm facing a problem with Xcode. I developed an App which I want to submit to the App Store. But I need the app archive, and everything i find on the web tells me to choose "iOS Device" as a device for build. But the option is not available. I have…
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1 answer

Can not see iAd in program?

My app has just released on Appstore ( . It runs with an iAd banner but I can not see it when I download from Appstore to my device (of course, network is working). The status in iAd Network…
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