Questions tagged [app-store]

The App Store is Apple's online digital distribution store for applications. It is a repository of apps which run on iOS mobile devices, as well as desktop Mac OS environments. Questions tagged [app-store] are related to performing programmatic interactions with the App Store (such as listing apps or renewing licensing). Questions related to App Store rejections or other customer support are off-topic.

The App Store is Apple's online digital distribution store for applications. It is a repository of apps which run on iOS mobile devices, as well as desktop macOS environments. Stack Overflow questions tagged with this are related to performing programmatic interactions with the App Store (such as listing apps or renewing licensing).

Questions related to App Store rejections are considered to be off-topic.

You can browse the App Store in iTunes or by clicking this link:

For submit an App use:

This tag is for Apple's digital distribution platform offering applications for , , and .

7595 questions
5 answers

What happens to my apps after my developer account membership expires?

When my paid developer membership runs out with Apple, what happens to my existing apps on the app store? I know that I cannot add new apps then, but do my existing apps stay? Can I change prices? Can I get paid for sales? Can I update those apps?…
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12 answers

iOS app submission : missing 64-bit support

I sent an app yesterday for review, with no problem. I then realized that I had a very little fix to do (changing the max zoom level of a map from 19 to 18, nothing else), so I removed the binary from iTunes Connect, and tried to resubmit. Now I'm…
Tim Autin
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13 answers

IPv6 App Store Rejection

Our update has been rejected twice today for ipv6 network connectivity issues. Our networking code has not changed between the previous release and this current release. The app only makes https network requests to, which is…
27 answers

ERROR ITMS-90164/90046: Invalid Code Signing Entitlements

Note: I'm developing using Xamarin. Similar question posted in Xamarin Forum here I'm creating an app called, say CompanyApp. Then I created an App ID for it com.Company.CompanyApp, along with Distribution Provisioning Profile that uses the…
2 answers

How to remove App Ids from iPhone Provisioning Portal

While experimenting with iPhone app development, we have several AppIDs which should be deleted - except I can't find any way to delete them! What can I do with them? If delete is not available, how about renaming, hiding or permanently…
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34 answers

Invalid iPhone Application Binary

I'm trying to upload an application to the iPhone App Store, but I get this error message from iTunes Connect: The binary you uploaded was invalid. The signature was invalid, or it was not signed with an Apple submission certificate. Note: The…
Kristopher Johnson
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7 answers

iPhone: What is a WWDR intermediate certificate?

In the Apple Developer Portal, in Certificates, Developer (or Distribution) it says: "If you do not have the WWDR intermediate certificate installed, click here to download now." I don't even know what that means. Do I need to download and run…
Shai UI
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2 answers

What happens if my distribution certificate expires?

My certificate will expire in 4 days, and I've uploaded for submission new app version with the new certificate. What happens if the old certificate expires? Will users be available do download my app with old certificate, or will Apple remove my…
Timur Mustafaev
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7 answers

Using SSL in an iPhone App - Export Compliance

I'm looking at creating an iPhone app that will communicate with a REST Web service. Because some user-sensitive data (name, address, age, etc) will be transmitted, I'm looking at securing the connections with SSL. However, on my previous escapades…
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15 answers

Cannot verify client 3000

I am using xcode 7.1 and trying to upload my app to the app store directly through xcode. While uploading I am getting a weird error:- cannot verify client 3000 Note:- I recently made changes in the accounts (xcode preference section). Is this…
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11 answers

Xcode error when uploading to App Store: "No suitable application records were found"

I'm using Ionic to build an html app for iOS. I've registered an app on iTunes Connect. All goes well in Xcode until I upload to the App Store. I get the following error: iTunes Store operation failed. No suitable application records were found.…
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8 answers

Redirect to application if installed, otherwise to App Store

I know it's possible to link directly to an app in iOS by registering a custom scheme (e.g. so://) and it's also possible to link to the app in the appstore via itunes. In many cases, the ideal flow is to provide a link that redirects to the app if…
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13 answers

Xcode 6 App Store submission fails with "Your account already has a valid iOS distribution certificate"

I'm using the latest XCode (6.1) and I need to submit the app as soon as possible, but I can't seem to get around the "Your account already has a valid iOS distribution certificate" error. I have the client's provisioning profile and I have his…
João Pereira
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13 answers

How can I add a link for a rate button with swift?

First I don't know how to get the link before I submit my app, and if the link is for each country app store or is it universal? Also I don't know if the way to do it is just by putting the link there like: @IBAction func rate(sender: AnyObject) { …
Luis Felipe
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1 answer

Newly Published App reporting Version as "Unknown" in iTunes Connect

New version of my app is 1.2. But in "Sales and Trends" in iTunes Connect I see "unknown" app version. Also new reviews not showing in App Store in "Current version" tab (only in all versions tab). What's wrong?
Dmitry Privalov
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