Questions tagged [android-query]

Android-Query (AQuery) is a light-weight library for doing asynchronous tasks and manipulating UI elements in Android.

The goal of Android-Query (AQuery) is to make Android coding simpler, easier, and more fun!

96 questions
1 answer

How to Query Firestore and get specific documents in android

I having trouble in using the firestore query "whereEqualTo" . i am trying to get the images from a collection called "Participants" but when the documents does not exist it should use the else statement and move to next activity where the document…
2 answers

Android SQLite: Is This Possible To Put 2 Arguments In Selection Field For Query?

I have a question using SQLite in Android. I have made a class extends SQLiteOpenHelper and I'd like to query values in table columns using two Arguments. This is a function named getDatabase_Monday() inside of the SQLiteOpenHelper class public…
2 answers

How to join Two Sqlite table with different ID

When I showed all stored data in my application the ID of two data in different tables are same. enter image description here enter image description here public class DatabaseHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper { public static final String…
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1 answer

How to get a specific Entity in Room

So, I'm using Room database to store courses and I'm stuck on the method that returns the course with the name(course) that I want because it's always returning null. I have diminished my database to have 2 courses with the course variable as: As…
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1 answer

Android: Query model before adding to RecyclerView Adapter

I have Tab/ViewPager Layout all consists of RecyclerView with datas depending on 'ID', What I tried so far is to get all the data in my model and add to adapter, then set the visibility to hide others data but it just leaves a blank space without…
1 answer

how to get contacts from contentprovider where contact_id max of specific number

I want to get all contacts that has an id larger than a specific number. My code is: String xml = "["; max_contact_id="1000"; final String sortOrder = ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME + " ASC"; Cursor cur =…
1 answer

Android Sqlite search query with WHERE,AND, OR clauses

In here, I need to get the results from the table 'TABLE_NAME' where 'COLUMN_NAME_COUNTRY' = country 'AND' 'COLUMN_NAME_CATEGORY' = local 'OR' NA (Na also a value in the 'COLUMN_NAME_CATEGORY'. Below is my code: public…
1 answer

What is the best way to delete a record of multi tables?

I have a database that has three tables and there is a class_id column in all three tables. i want to when i deleting a class_id , Deleted all records in the tables that have the class_id I used a way , but I'm not sure this way is standard or no…
0 answers

Could not get it wotking the update query for SMS database

Below code is not working. If you see the output, it always return 0 no matter what I try ? Is there anything wrong OR API is deprecated or something ? Please help Code : public static final String ALL = "content://sms"; String where = "_id =…
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1 answer

Custom Cursor query to get data from content://sms/sent

I find this function in web android developer offficial public final Cursor query (Uri uri, String[] projection, String selection, String[] selectionArgs, String sortOrder, CancellationSignal cancellationSignal) Now, I want to get sms from…
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1 answer

Aquery some images are BLANk

I am using Aquery for a slider menu. Some images in the slider become Blank images. It occurs randomly. The images are selected from server and there is not any problem for any of the images as same images are sometimes showing and sometimes is…
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1 answer

loss session on php server when using android-query

I have a problem in use AndroidQuery ajax method ... here is my php code on server for page1.php : and below php code on server…
Saleh Mosleh
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0 answers

Android: blank image when using TouchImageView with Android-Query

I'm loading several images inside a Fragment using Android-Query library. When I press on an image, a new Activity starts, showing that image in fullscreen mode -> in my case all I see is a blank image... public class FullScreenImage extends…
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0 answers

Android jQuery can't load image from certain server

I'm using jQuery to load some images in to a list view. The image exists under that URL but it wont show, I tried to open an other images on the server but none of them will open. If I upload the same image to Imgur or any other server jQuery can…
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3 answers

SQLite rawQuery Select columns whose titles are real numbers

I have a table whose columns have numbers: Table name "Valores" id Nombre 11 18 12.3 01 Juan 10 08 15 02 Rosa 23 51 61 03 Pepe 35 18 11 I want to know the amount you have chosen any name in the column. Example to Rosa in the column 12.3 is 61. I…