Questions tagged [android-query]

Android-Query (AQuery) is a light-weight library for doing asynchronous tasks and manipulating UI elements in Android.

The goal of Android-Query (AQuery) is to make Android coding simpler, easier, and more fun!

96 questions
1 answer

Parse Query displayed in list view

I'm looking to conduct a query to my Parse database and display this information in a list view. Currently in my activity I have setContentView of my activity to a xml document which has a list with the id resultsView. In my Parse database I have a…
1 answer

Publish progress using aquery

I need to show the file downloading progress using AQuery, is there any way showing the % of the file download instead of just showing a plain progress dialog (aq.progress(new ProrgressDialog(mContext)...))
Abdul Samad
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Not getting contact numbers using getContentResolver().query() in Android

I'm trying to get contact numbers using getContentResolver().query() method. but it not get any numbers. here is my code and app file. Activity Class abc = (Button) findViewById(; abc.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener()…
0 answers

How to add where clause while querying for mms-sms conversation?

I need a conversation cursor which does not have given addresses. This is how i am getting the cursor : final Uri inboxURI = Uri.parse("content://mms-sms/conversations/"); final String[] projection = new String[] { Sms._ID, Sms.THREAD_ID,…
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How to insert records if update query failed in sqlite android

I have a case, If my update query is failed due because there is no existing data in database. Then, I want to insert new record if not available already in database. I searched everywhere, But, i did not get a solution according my source code.…
Rahul Rawat
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1 answer

Using Aquery: cannot generate texture from bitmap

I am getting a error, "cannot generate texture from bitmap" when trying to populate a listview with images. I am using aquery to download, caching and retrieving them. I have an ArrayAdapter, and a serie of "News" objects, wich have, title, text and…
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ExpandableListView with Multie View Types Crashing On Scroll etc

For some reason my expandableListView is crashing on Scroll or rotation change. I have two View Types for this activity Code: @Override public int getGroupType(int groupPosition){ return comments.get(groupPosition).is_load_more; …
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1 answer

How to filter video that only you like in MediaStore in android?

Is there other ways to get only video that you like, not all video in the folder is included. w videoCursorArtist = getContentResolver().query(sourceUri, projection, null, selectionArgs, orderByARTIST); How to do it?
Piolo Opaw
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1 answer

Android Query - load Images in ListView with Aspect Ratio in Fragment

I want to use Android Query library to load a fragment with a listview in order to display up to 5 photos keeping the aspect ratio. I have followed the piece of code provided in the demo app of AQ trying to adapt it with a fragment and not a…
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1 answer

Android Query Zoomable Web Image - fit to view

I'm using Android-Query to load images into a webview, so I can use the zoom functionality that comes with that particular view. Now, the images I'm loading are taller than they are wide, so, in my layout, are being cropped (can't see the bottom of…
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2 answers

how to sort date which stored in database with string

I am trying to sort SELECT * FROM myTable ORDER BY DATE(date) // date is stored with string Here is the LogCat 11-22 12:50:50.906: I/DB(31388): get :17 Nov 2013 09:36:01 11-22 12:50:50.906: I/DB(31388): get :13 Nov 2013 07:41:29 11-22…
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1 answer

Android: Login with a google account (using Android Query)

I'm using android query on my android mobile app. It is very simple to log in with Facebook: String appid = "7315348484584"; String permisions = "email"; FacebookHandle handle = new FacebookHandle(this, appid, permisions); String url =…
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1 answer

Can AQuery load image from a HTML page?

I just tested AQuery's image loading based on this tutorial. It works well, when I use on an URL like But what if I want to load an image that is displayed by a page (for example a php page)? If my url is like this:…
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2 answers

Android-query ajax can't get json result from Grails web

I am learning android development in Android Studio. I used Android-query library for easy HTTP call to get JSON data from my Grails web application. In my android UI, i have a button and a editText. I hope show JSON string returned from server…
Alex Ai
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1 answer

How to Sort Contact in Android

what are the keywords for sortting the query and how to use it Cursor cursor = getContentResolver().query(ContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_URI, null, null, null, null);